Pharaoh Pepi II (2246-2152 B.C.) Usually has the head of a dog or jackal. It was also called Deshret, or Red Land, which referred to Egypts vast deserts. You are absolutely right, its not. In 1922, Egypt gained independence with Fuad I becoming king. The ancient Egyptians left paintings and carvings (which can still be seen today!) We dont think much about where everyday items were invented, but youll likely be surprised to learn that toothpaste, pens, paper, keys and locks were invented in Egypt. It ranks higher than Iraq and Saudi Arabia which ranks 2nd and 3rd respectively. Egyptian, The scarab beetle was sacred to the Egyptians and represented life after, Hippos were considered bad omens and were associated with the evil. 3Egypt. CIAThe World Factbook. ), Egypt was called Kemet or Black Land, which referred to the dark, rich soil of the Nile Valley. 4. Africa and Asia are both present in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. The modern city of Cairo stands right up against the ancient pyramids of Giza. In fact, Sudan has more ancient pyramids than Egypt. when King Menes (also called Narmer) united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms. Mosque in Egypt: Rraheb, Dreamstime. 6. 18 Interesting Facts About Mushrooms. Approximately 99% of the population lives on about 5.5% of the land. Worshipped like sacred deities, most homes had a cat and it was treated like royalty. 04 Workers typically earned 5 sacks of grain in a single month. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This page was last modified on September 19, 2021. 1. Egypt experiences natural dangers such as droughts, dust and sand storms, flash floods, earthquakes, landslides and windstorms (known as khamsin). Number. Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul of the king ascended along the ramp of the suns rays to the sun god himself, By the time Ramses II died at about 90 years old, he was suffering from severe dental problems, arthritis and hardening of the arteries, The ancient Egyptians regarded beauty as a sign of holiness, which is why cosmetics were integrated heavily into daily lives. 50. The clear waters of the Red Sea make it one of the best scuba diving destinations on earth. An ancient Egypt inscription from their pottery work indicates that there are three human genders. . Of course, these grains, combined with the sun and heat, started a fermentation process. Sphinx and pyramid at Giza, Egypt: Javarman, Dreamstime. If you were to unravel some of the bandages of some Egyptian mummies, the linen bandages would stretch for a mile bet this is one of those Egypt facts you didnt know! But this was incompatible with the true solar year which so to solve this, the Egyptians added five extra days to the year. Source: Britannica, 28. Egypt is known for its oldest and longest history among the modern nations. Your email address will not be published. Egypt is largely covered by a desert, receiving only 20mm of rain per year. In ancient times, Egyptians believed in more than 2,000 gods because they had one for everything. By 3000 B.C., a civilisation was established. 4Egyptian Women Protesters Forced to Take Virginity Tests. BBC. More than 130 pyramids have been discovered from that era so far. 4. Gypsy is a short name for Egyptian. It served a much different purpose in ancient times. The Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, as well as Israel, Libya, and Sudan, are all about Egypt. Incredible ancient monuments, scorching deserts and bustling cities this ancient country is now a sprawling, modern landscape! 40. Accessed: April 18, 2011. We just returned from a fantastic month in the country and loved every, The mighty Nile has been the lifeblood of Egypt since the beginning of civilization, and visitors in modern times can cruise down it on the Steam Ship Sudan. With only a few grasslands and forests, wildlife is not common in Egypt. Egypt is the 66th most fertile country in the world. 18. The country's population is estimated to be 90%. Its still used in the modern world. However, female genital mutilation is still largely practiced all over Egypt. In Ancient Egypt, bread was one of the most important food staples; it was eaten daily by both rich people and the lower classes. 30. 13Sutter, John. You can imagine there are so many interesting facts about Egypt to know. Bookmark them for later and watch this selection of 10 Egypt facts first: This post is part of a series of fun facts posts I'm doing for every country I have articles about here on the blog. Only about an 2.5cm of rain falls throughout Egypt each year. In ancient Egypt, every big city supported one favorite. Demand grew so high for it that it acquired the nickname White Gold. Get messy, explore and appreciate nature, all from the safety of home! We receive compensation if you make a purchase, but it won't cost you anything extra. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 6. Fast Fun Egypt Facts The capital city of Egypt is Cairo and it is the largest city in Egypt. it went well, also i didnt find it funny tho. 2. Egypt is known for their two major deserts, the Libyan and the Sahara desert. The British wanted control of the. What are 10 interesting facts about Egypt? Cleopatra is a famous figure in ancient Egyptian history, but contrary to popular belief, she wasnt Egyptian at all! Source: History Channel, 10. 10 weird facts about ancient Egyptians that will surprise you. Population: 104 million people live in Egypt (2021) Capital: Cairo with 21 million inhabitants. Weve just returned from a fantastic few weeks in Egypt, and there is so much, Are you planning a trip to this Northern African country and wondering what to wear in Egypt? Arabic is the official language, although English and French are understood by many Egyptians. The renowned statue of liberty was intended to be installed in the land of the Pharaohs (Egypt). 63. Toilets were also included in some ancient Egyptian tombs. Senet was the most popular game and was played for more than 2,000 years but there were also Mehen and Dogs and Jackals. Egypt is home to a wide variety of animals and plants, including jackals, gazelles, crocodiles, and cobras. Located at Giza, the Pyramid of Khufu is the largest Pyramid in Egypt. 49. For the ancient Egyptians, the world began when Atum-Ra (the, The 2011 Egyptian revolution began on January 25th. The life expectancy of males is approximately 70.07 years and 75.38 years for females. The last known hieroglyphic inscription was made in A.D. 394 in the temple of Isis in Philae. Accessed: April 18, 2011. Frequently shown as a man dressed as a mummy. Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest and most fascinating civilisations in human history. Namesake. During this period, the pharaohs had a number of majestic pyramids built. Egypts geography, population, history and military strength have made it highly influential in the region. Source: National Geographic, 15. One of the longest rivers in the world runs through Egypt, the River Nile; its 4,258 miles (6,853kilometers) long! June 19, 2010. If you are wondering what the best things to do in Egypt are, I have to say thats a tough one. Over four million mummies with the shape of a stork-like bird (Ibis) have been unearthed by scientists in Egypt's Western Desert. OFFICIAL NAME: Arab Republic of EgyptFORM OF GOVERNMENT: RepublicCAPITAL: CairoPOPULATION:87, 562, 261OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: ArabicMONEY: Egyptian pound, guinayAREA: 1,001,449 square kilometresMAJOR MOUNTAIN RANGES: Eastern HighlandsMAJOR RIVER: NileFLAG: Without theNile River, all of Egypt would be desert. War god. The main reason for its use was sun protection but many people also thought it had healing powers. Horus, the God of the Pharaohs. The eye paint was usually green (made from copper) or black (made from lead).As well as offering protection from the sun, the Egyptians believed make-up had magical healing powers, too! Use this useful blog to refresh your knowledge and impress your pupils by providing them with a variety of interesting facts. Egypt is the 15th country with the highest population in the world, with 99% of the country's people living on just 5.5% of the land. Ancient Egypt facts for kids. Egyptian cotton is said to be the best in the world. 01 At its height, Ancient Egypt covered an estimated 1 million km of territory in North Africa and the Middle East. They had a god for food, a god for everyday chores and a god for pretty much anything you can think of! 14. For example, in 1959, Czech Radio engineer Karel Drbal patented the idea that pyramids could sharpen blunt razor blades. For almost 3,000 years (from around 3100 BC to 332 BC), ancient Egypt was the most notable civilisation in the Mediterranean world. Source: History Channel. Just share them in the comments! 91% of Egyptian women aged between 15 and 49 years have undergone female genital mutilation. Aswan high dam is the world's largest dam, built to contain the raging waters of the world's longest river, the Nile. In 1882, Britain took control of Egypt after defeating the Egyptian army before making Egypt a British protectorate in 1914. Isis conjures up headlines of terrorist attacks nowadays. He is now stored in an antibacterial case. The UNESCO-listed city of Thebes was the capital of Egypt during much of Ancient Egypt. 14Walker, Jane. April 6, 2011. The museum is scheduled to open sometime in the 2nd half of 2018. 51. 39. 7. Not for lack of choice but because Egypt has, If youre looking for a few Egypt travel tips, youve come to the right place! 28. Egypts population is growing rapidly. This ancient language was used by Egyptians to write down their history and communicate, making it one of the earliest languages to be used. If you enjoyed these facts about Ancient Egypt, make sure you check out our other Ancient Egypt pages! So if you are a snorkeling or diving fan make sure to bring a bathing suit when planning what to wear in Egypt! of large animals like elephants, hippos, leopards and cheetahs. The country has 386,662 square miles of land and is the 30th largest country in the world by land mass. Ancient Egyptians needed to predict when the Nile would flood, which led to the development of the worlds first calendar. 7. In Africa, only South Africa (10), Ethiopia (9),Morocco(9) andTunisia(8) have more. Source: UNESCO, 8. Learn more with our balanced list of interesting Islam facts. The amount of income tax in Egypt is 25%. Tourism is a major economic activity in Egypt, accounting for about 12% of the country's workforce. Northern Egypt has wide valleys near the Nile, and desert to the east and west. Yes, you read that correctly. Having so many people in such a small area causes overcrowding everywhere, from schools and hospitals to apartment buildings and public transport. About ten percent of Egyptians areCopts, one of the oldest branches of the Christian religion.Egypts population is growing rapidly. The sun was worshipped by ancient Egyptians the same way the gods were worshipped. While desert landscapes likely come to mind when you think of Egypt, you might be surprised to learn that some of the best beaches in the world are located on the countrys Sinai Peninsula, particularly in the southern area of the peninsula. 13. These mummies have been found near Tuna el-Gebel. Youll need to use the international dialing code +20. All other photographs and illustrations: Getty Images UK, By entering your email address you agree to our. For 3000 years it was the breadbasket for much of the Mediterranean world. Much of what people know about Egypt is as a result of hieroglyphic writing found in archeological sites. The longest documented reign of any monarch is that of Egypts Pharaoh Pepi II who ruled for 94 years from around 2281 BC. Want to call your family or friends in Egypt? Probably the most recognised landmarks of ancient Egypt is the pyramid. Ill check this next time I update the post. Cairo gets its name from the Arabic al-Qahira which means the victorious. Source: CIA World Fact Book, 24. its written on the Rhine mathematical papyrus. 5Enormous Statue of Powerful Pharaoh Unearthed. MSNBC. The world's oldest D20 dice was found in Egypt. The shape of the Egyptian pyramids is said to have been inspired by the sun rays. 1. You will receive our UK newsletter. Spices, jewelry, coffee and so many great bargains are to be found! Fun Facts about Egypt for Kids. Summer, which is from May to October, is very hot. The Great Pyramid at Giza has vents pointing to the constellation of Orion so the mummys spirit could fly straight up to the gods. This incredible structure weighs as much as 16 Empire State buildings! This is a good blog about intersting facts about egipt. One popular game was Senet, which was played for over 2,000 years! Home Destinations Africa Egypt 35 Fun and Interesting Facts About Egypt. Source: Al Jazeera, Reuters, 23. Ancient Egyptians tried filtering it with wheat and other grains even when boiling wouldnt get the water clean enough for consumption. 27. Niger ranks first with 7.60 children per woman. 10. When Angelina Jolie was cast as Cleopatra in the 2011 movie, many erroneously argued that the role should have gone to an African American. 1001 Facts to Make your Brain Explode! Other foods served on the meal include beans, couscous, rice, and fruits. New York, NY: Checkmark Books, 2008. Women enjoyed a raft of legal and financial rights and freedoms, such as the right to buy and sell property and the right to divorce and remarry. These facts will help you appreciate why Egypt is a great place that is worth visiting. There were three female pharaohs, of whom the greatest was Hatshepsut (reigned 1498-1483 B.C.). In ancient Egypt, pigeon mail was widespread. Ancient Egypts Fantastic and Weird History, Egyptian Women Protesters Forced to Take Virginity Tests, Enormous Statue of Powerful Pharaoh Unearthed, Meet My Daughter Facebook: How One Egyptian Father Is Commemorating the Part the Social Network Played in Revolution, Female Circumcision Focus of Ferocious Debate in Egypt, Angelina Jolie Goes Greek as Cleopatra but Some Dont Like It, 100 Interesting Facts That Will Amaze You. On 25th January 2011, Egypt erupted into what would come to be known as the Egyptian revolution, part of the wider Arab Spring regional movement. Modern Egypt Image Ancient Egyptians kept such good flood records on the Nile that scientists today use their data to better understand rainfall patterns. While it is customary for women to wear the hijab in Egypt, tourists are under no obligation to follow suit. Egyptian Mythology A to Z. 37. The surviving pyramids of Giza in particular are the most spectacular manmade structures ever made. 53. Scholars believe the Egyptian symbol called the ankh is the origin of the much later Christian cross. These animals were once common in Egypt, but they are now rare or extinct because of hunting and habitat loss. The sun played such an important role in everyday life that the shape of the pyramids was inspired by it. 9. The population of Egypt was 94,798,827 according to a 2017 census. Contrary to popular belief, Cleopatra was actually Greek, not Egyptian or African. 20. 48. The sections are named this way because the Nile flows from south to north. Here you can . Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable Ancient Egypt primary resource? 2. They have won the Africa Cup of Nations tournament seven times, qualified for the FIFA World Cup three times and, in 1934, became the first team outside the Americas and Europe to participate in the World Cup. Source: Britannica1, Britannica2, FIFA (pdf), 17. To signify dignity and stay modest, Egyptian women keep their legs and arms covered. The most important. 3. For everyday use, Egyptians used a script called hieratic. In 700 B.C., a second script called demotic was used, of which a derivative is used by Coptic Christians today. The country has one of the longest histories of any other on the planet, dating back more than 5,000 years! The colours represent oppression (black), bloody struggle (red) and a bright future (white). The title and content of this post have been updated throughout the years based on new information but also to make sure people can find it in Google and I have to admit I overlooked the incongruence between the title and some of the facts. They also conquered other lands. Egypt is home to a wide variety of animals and plants, including cheetahs, hyenas, crocodiles and cobras. There are about 2,060 square kilometers of unclaimed land in the border between Sudan and Egypt. and took more than 20 years to build. The pictorial symbols were called hieroglyphs, which comes from a Greek word meaning sacred carving and could be written vertically, horizontally, left to right or right to left. Source: BBC Bitesize, 20. The sections are named this way because the Nile flows from south to north. He ruled Egypt for 60 years and was the only pharaoh to carry the title the Great after his name. Slightly three times larger than. Of all the Arab countries, Egypt is the only one that has a movie industry. 43. Source: UNESCO, 18. In 2011, archeologists discovered an enormous statue of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III (grandfather of Tutankhamen). February 21, 2011. Most Egyptian traditions and festivals trace their origin back to the time of pharaohs. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, the king's soul ascended along the sun rays to the sun god. 40. A Great and Old Pyramid Great Pyramid of Giza is around 4,500 years old - one of the craziest facts about Egypt! 02 It also had an estimated population of 5 million people. The English name Egypt comes from the ancient Greek name for the country Aigyptos while the Arabic name Misr comes from the Akkadian word misru meaning border or frontier. Source: CIA World Fact Book, 25. Other common calamities in Egypt include Sandstorms, duststorms, and windstorms, also known as Khamsin. The Ancient Egyptian religion has over 14,000 gods and goddesses. Today, Egypt thrives on tourism with millions of visitors every year who come for the history, the cultural experiences and the world-class attractions. Cairo, the city with the largest population in Egypt is also its capital. Fly swatters made from giraffe tails were a popular fashion item in ancient Egypt. They came up with some of the most legendary innovations, such as toothpaste and the water wheel. The rivers total length is 6,695km (4,160 miles) and runs from as far away as Burundi and Lake Victoria in East Africa all the way to the Mediterranean in North Africa. Source:Guinness World Records, National Geographic, 14. Unsplash. Id al Fitr is one of the biggest celebrations in Egypt. Do you know any Egyptian fun facts? In this country, the amount of income tax for individuals is 22.5%, and for companies 22.5% (2018). Well end this facts about Egypt list with a fun one!
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