The benefits of Bible study are incredible. 3 Places to Find Wisdom. And an advantage to those who see the sun. The importance of the Bible in our daily life. First, we must understand that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, distributing His gifts into our lives. Hearing God, in his own voice while reading scripture helps us to discern when He is speaking with us at other times. He was a faithful pastor in England for many years. is beneath the surface. 23K views, 573 likes, 95 loves, 386 comments, 82 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Lohnunternehmen Markus Wipperfrth: Lohnunternehmen Markus. Paul was able to write several books in the Bible with the wisdom that God gave him. If we grow in godliness, we will have the satisfaction of knowing that our lives are fruitful in light of eternity. The highest good is not helping people, it is not attaining great wealth, it not attaining tremendous knowledge. I hope with these few examples that you are eager to know the amazing benefits of having wisdom and knowledge in your life. How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. A disciple does not dabble in learning. I had read about wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in the Bible but never given it much thought previously. Photo credit: Getty Images/Prostock-Studio. One benefit is that knowledge can help us grow closer to God. Our salvation is totally from God. Queen Sheba was amazed at what she heard and saw that there was no spirit in her. 19:28-29), Truly I say to you, that you who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. When we understand more about who God is and what He desires for our lives, we can develop a deeper relationship with Him. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? 2:21b). Gods Instructions for Life Are Housed in His Word. For the Hebrews, wisdom (hakam) and its derivatives are the most commonly used terms denoting intelligence. Growth in godliness requires hard work and discipline over the long haul. Understanding, Whelchel says, is the ability to translate meaning from the facts. It is through the Holy Spirit that we can repent of sin. If so, confess your sin and take steps to grow in godliness. In our text, Peter is spelling out the benefits of growing in godliness to motivate us to persevere in the process. Thank you for being here. How blessed is the man who finds wisdomAnd the man who gains understanding. Check your email for your free Books of the Bible Overview! Does the prospect of heaven motivate you to live for Christ now? And all desirable things cannot compare with her. One cannot understand the fight against slavery, the women's suffrage movement, or the Civil Rights movement without knowledge of the Bible. But to say that those in verse 9 are not truly saved, you must say that they were never really purified from their former sins; they only claimed to be purified, perhaps through baptism. We cannot even begin to discuss the wonders of King Solomon after God gave him wisdom and understanding in 1 Kings 3: 12. The wisdom of the OT, however, is quite distinct from other ancient world views. But Peter said, Not so, Lord! Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily. Promise to never leave or forsake us. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:23 Gods word is truth. Find guidance on how to proceed with your life in Jesus HERE. Knowledge and understanding of the scriptures is one way God transforms believers, through the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:2). How did she do it? Knowledge, therefore, is learning with perception. Deepens intimacy with Him. Evil knowledge is what Satan wants us to know, believe, and heed. To gain this kind of The Lords Prayer tells us to ask forgiveness for our sins often. So I said, Wisdom is better than strength. But the wisdom of the poor man is despised and his words are not heeded. What are the benefits of knowing God? I plan to live so selfishly and with such disregard for others that I will shred all of my relationships. Taking life too seriously? In Exodus 35:30-35; 39:43 God called artisans and filled them with His Spirit, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of craft, to design artistic works, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of the creative craft. LEB. (2:11), The lips of the righteous feed many,But fools die for lack of understanding. In light of all this knowledge of the Holy One, which is also understanding, we see that Wisdom is Jesus Christ, who is God. Jesus was saying that the eternal benefits should motivate us to endure whatever hardship we now encounter in following Him. Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. He has granted us His precious and magnificent promises so that by them we have become partakers of His divine nature (1:4). Yet many Christians are being destroyed because they have a lack of knowledge of God and His Word. What you dont know can kill you! Here are some other verses that remind us of how we should be longing for God and His Word. Knowledge, therefore, is learning with perception. To me, this has become one of the most important benefits of reading the Bible. The Bible is filled with the benefits that come to us as we grow in the knowledge of God and His Word. The word of knowledge is one of the revelatory gifts and has been known to manifest with a sense of urgency. Proverbs 1:7 states, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge," while Psalm 111:10 declares that "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (emphasis added throughout). Please refer to the image below these scriptures for a summary. Solomon and the wise men of Israel regarded wisdom, understanding, and knowledge as worthy pursuits in life. If youre not living with a view to how God can use you to bear fruit for His kingdom, then youre wasting your life. We have hope in God and His son and one of the benefits of reading the Bible is to gain hope from Him and His Word. Even so, they recognized the limits of human thinking: Trust in the LORD with all your heartAnd do not lean on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge Him,And He will make your paths straight.Do not be wise in your own eyes;Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. How can I use the time, talents, and treasure that God has entrusted to me so that one day I will hear, Well done, good and faithful servant? We saw earlier in this article that understanding is the knowledge of the Holy One. 1 Peter 3:7ESV / 203 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful As you learn what He has taught and how to conduct yourself and your business and daily affairs and as you see How to conduct your business in an ethical, God-ordained manner, you will become more successful. A person can be knowledgeable without being wise. 1:4-5). You Dont Know What You Dont Know: Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom. In Job 22:21-29, which section of scripture is introduced by our key verse, we are told of the good, the blessing, the benefits which will come to us if we really know God. But, does Peter mean that if you are diligent to practice these qualities you will never sin? Andit shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life,that he may learn to fear theLordhis God by keeping all the words of this law and these statutes, and doing them,Deuteronomy 17:19 (ESV), This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, butyou shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. It includes things like a teachable spirit, a willingness to listen, a desire to discover what is really there. 106 Powerful Affirmations towards Your Desired Life, How to Know The Power of The Lords Prayer, The Wonderful Secrets to the Best Life in Jesus, Powerful Scriptures on Gods Will You Want to Know, Wonderful Ways to Stand Fast as a Child of God, Embrace the Most Fascinating Help You Will Ever Need. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It starts out by sharing the truth that all wisdom comes from God. The unfolding of your words gives light;it impartsunderstanding to the simple.. We believe that there is one God, our creator, manifested into three persons God the Father, Jesus the Son, our Savior and the Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of God, who provides spiritual power for daily living and Godly service. Father God is patient with those who are ignorant, and Jesus understands the weakness of the flesh. There is no need to be a weak, anaemic Christian. Peter shifts from you to he so as not directly to accuse the majority of his readers. Our purpose is to facilitate covenant restoration through the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles coming together as the One New Man. This does not mean that you must go into so-called full time Christian ministry. Rather, it means that in whatever situation you find yourself, whether at home, at school, or at work, you have the mindset that you want to be useful and fruitful for the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are caught in the chains of addiction (from alcohol to shopping or absolutely anything), you can break those chains by leaning into The Father and giving them to Him. Indeed, thoughts without God are hostile to Him and a reason for sinful pride (1 Corinthians 8:1b). look up Psalm 107:2 and John 3:14-15. She is more precious than jewels;And nothing you desire compares with her. You read in Romans 15:5-6 of Gods design that we are to work together as one for His glory. Your email address will not be published. Whenever someone starts teaching weird doctrine, almost always something is wrong morally in his life. Knowledge is important to know God and what He expects of us. How does it differ from wisdom? Here are some other sources and articles on the benefits of reading the Bible: Unlocking the Bible, and Bible Gateway. Verses 28 and 29 tell us this. It is a supernatural knowledge that manifests as a vision, dream, thought, voice, or feeling. Here are a few benefits of reading the Bible that I keep close to my heart and serve as reminders for me to stay in the Word daily. Knowledge and understanding are part of spiritual character building (2 Peter 1:5-9). We will not fall away from the faith. One of these things, as we see in the verse above, is that we are to add the knowledge of Gods Word to our lives. Sign up to receive e-mail from Insight for Living Ministries. Prayer is the great privilege of every Christian, even the youngest; but the testimony of the whole Bible and of experience proves that it is the people who really know God intimately who receive answers to their prayers look up 1 John 3:22 and 5:14-15. For I have never eaten anything common or unclean. And a voice spoke to him again the second time, What God has cleansed you must not call common. This was done three times. One benefit is that knowledge can help us grow closer to God. One reason for this view is that Peter changes from the second person in verse 8 to the more impersonal third person in verse 9, but then reverts back to the second person, along with the warm brethren (the only time Peter uses that word) in verse 10. 3. They are seeking to know Him better and to please Him every day. 9 Bible Verses about Benefits Of Knowledge Most Relevant Verses Proverbs 24:5 Verse Concepts A wise man is strong, And a man of knowledge increases power. We learn who God is. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith. In verses 1-4, Peter sets before us the resources that God has graciously provided for us: He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness through knowing Christ and through His precious and magnificent promises. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge are Spirits. Finally, Peter gives us an eternal benefit: Verse 11 explains (for) verse 10: for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you. Supplied is the same word that we saw in verse 5, which meant to richly supply as a philanthropist would supply the chorus or theater. And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. 1. Sheand her husband Bob live in Southern California. It increases our knowledge of God. Also, the word blind seems to fit the unbelieving, but not true believers. The world encourages knowledge of all things, but not all knowledge is good. But if his word of warning applied to some, they should take heed. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8). But they overlook the clear biblical truth that new life in Christ always manifests itself in the fruit of godliness. Please contact us or click here to learn more about how to enable JavaScript on your browser. And you will be seeking to make your life useful and fruitful to the Master who shed His blood to redeem you. 1:3). 15+ years' experience across the full HR remit. When we put on the armor of God, through reading scripture, we become enabled to battle and are strengthened through God and His Word. Matthew 4:4 "As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God." Psalm 42:1 "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Psalm 119:103. Have a great day! Yes. The literal translation is, they are blind, being short-sighted. These people were so focused on their present circumstances that they were not growing in the qualities mentioned in verses 5-7. In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul lists nine gifts of the Spirit. We receive salvation and the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ and we mature in sanctification and holiness through grace. He shed His blood on the cross to purify you from your sins. Tools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good. If this sounds familiar, it could mean that you have the gift of a word of knowledge waiting to be released, stretching out the tent of Gods Kingdom. Lets look at the gift of the word of knowledge, its purpose, and how to activate it. Please get in touch with me so I can celebrate with you. There could be some of both here. 4:6), so that you have come to know Him, your life will show it. Then, after believing in Christ, through His Word we come to understand that the reason God called us to salvation is that He first chose us before the foundation of the world (Eph. We will enjoy the assurance of knowing that God has called and chosen us as His own. 2. He who keeps understanding will find good. John Spurgeon was the father of the famous Charles. Used by permission. (Deuteronomy 34:9). . Seek wisdom, understanding, and knowledge by searching the Bible. If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Proverbs 24:10 KJV. To act as a witness within and outside the Body. (. First, have you heard the call to repent of your sins and believe in Christ and did you obey that call? Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.". of Additional Scripture on the Benefits of Reading the Bible, Scripture Releases our Chains and Lifts Our Burdens, His Word Enables Us to Battle and Defeat the Devil, You will Enjoy a Greater Fellowship with Him, You will be More Prosperous and Successful, Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, God deliver you and lift your burdens knowing, Promises never to destroy the earth again by flood, Kneel before the Throne: Exploring Ephesians with Verse Mapping and Bible Study, spiritual disciplines and a sign of spiritual maturity, learn to fear theLordhis God by keeping all the words, verses that remind us of how we should be longing for God and His Word, Top 10 Reasons to Read the Bible Today: The Life-Changing Benefits of Daily Bible Reading by Wayne Davie. That seems unrealistic, in that we all stumble in many ways (James 3:2). but hisdelight is in the law of theLord,and on hislaw he meditates day and night. For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. The Hebrew root yada [ [;d"y ],translated "know"/"knowledge, " appears almost 950 times in the Hebrew Bible. The benefits of growing in godliness are fruitfulness, The devil loves to blind the minds of people so they will be easy prey. Wisdom belongs to God. Well, I recommend that you embrace this wisdom, knowledge, and understanding because of the following reasons: Embracing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is the best thing you would ever do for your soul. Chartered Member of CIPD. (16:22). familiarity with each individual and his or her mannerisms (Genesis 18:19; Deuteronomy 34:10; Isaiah 48:8; Psalms 1:6; 37:18). In other words, by knowing Him we become spiritually strong, virile, robust men and women look up Ephesians 6:10. There are several ways that a word of knowledge can manifest in Believers. So the first benefit of growing in godliness is fruitfulness in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. These qualities refers back to the seven qualities that we are diligently to supply on the foundation of our faith in Christ (1:5-7): moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. Growing in godliness requires diligence and results in assurance of salvation (1:10a). As 1 John 2:3 says, By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. And, you take none of the credit for your salvation. While Peter ponders the vision, God imparts another word of knowledge to him through a voice. One of the benefits of reading scripture is that we mature as we grow in fellowship with Him and learn His commands. Rather, in the context of the false teachers who had turned away from the faith, Peter means that if you are diligent to grow in godliness and thus confirm your calling and election, you will not turn away from God and commit apostasy as the false teachers had done (Thomas Schreiner, The New American Commentary, 1, 2 Peter, Jude [Broadman & Holman Publishers], p. 305). Peter explains why (For) we should apply all diligence to supply these qualities (1:8): For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then he explains further and warns (1:9), For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. Note three things: Peter states his point negatively to call attention to what happens if you do not grow in godliness: you will live a useless, unfruitful life. Paul desired that believers love would keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9). How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. If not, why not? Proud member Knowledge, he says, deals with knowing the facts. We should want this knowledge so that our lives can be more like Him and live according to his will. Sofaith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.. But since Peter has talked about the true knowledge of Christ in reference to conversion (1:3), I understand him here (1:8) to be saying, If you have truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be growing in godliness and seeking to be useful and fruitful in serving Him..
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