24 February, 2021 at 8:48 pm. Only the movement that he helped build could lift him up and through this. I said a few blog posts back the truth will out. Do you understand that youre alone? Really? What are Christine M. Graham's areas of care? View the profiles of people named Christine Grahame. And intriguingly it seems the Crown Office will soon have another opportunity to obstruct the committees work: Hopefully that one will be less of a damp squib. Why can we not read that letter and judge for ourselves? who has a neurological condition that causes tremors. Well known for being on the winning side of every political debate and well in touch with the average voter. 10pm ITV News has led with the Sturgeon/Salmond news. Contact details Contact online Email: Christine.Grahame.msp@parliament.scot Website: christinegrahame.com Facebook: Christine's facebook Contact at the Scottish Parliament The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP Phone: 0131 348 5729 Text relay calls welcome. I am definitely no expert, but I think this last attempt at obfuscation, whoever was involved, sealed the COPFS, Nicola and her husband to the recycling bin. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/19115502.uk-government-spend-millions-scotland-without-holyrood-say-so-part-levelling-up-agenda/. The other thing that distracted me was her mouth. That Liam Fox? Terence A Wildey Other occupants: We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The lines are being drawn up: on their side are the Sturgeonista loyalists, the sophomiric woke Wahhabis, the grey suited Charlotte Street SPADs and those dependent on the SNP for funding for their quango or the prospect of sinecures as long as they remain on message. Which is why they cant afford for us to be independent. Politicians speak words as nebulous as candy floss as people greedily consume them. Another thought were the MSP for Dumbarton and Donald Cameron simply laying the groundwork for more incisive questioning next Monday? Text relay calls welcome. Who is this Mr Donnely (sp?) They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. It takes neck of a particularly dodgy brass to claim the COPFS is formed by professionals when he was forced recently to tender an apology (although many thought it should be his resignation) because those professionals have costed us tens of millions of pounds in malicious prosecutions. Liam Fox the Disgraced Defence Minister? The walls are starting to close in on a few key players. [26] She has stated previously she has a harmless neurological tremor, which is hereditary and can cause visible shaking.[27]. She compares her first spell as convener of the Justice Committee and fellow members as them all showing much greater skill today. I sincerely thank you for your post. Billions on Englands High Speed Railway The whole thing is about to blow up soon and more than the rest he knows things have gone beyond the option of just resigning in disgrace. Find out how Christine Grahame has voted recently. Maybe I read it wrongly, she gave the impression of the old school combative SNP MSPs. It seems the Dear Leader has taken a sledgehammer to ours for the sake of her own personal vendetta, and theyre no longer fit for purpose. It was confirmed at that meeting that the Crowns sole concern was one paragraph in its article about the former First Ministers ministerial code submission. Lets see what more we find out about this. The video isnt working, it cuts out at 6 seconds after calls Jackie bailie.. Has it been redacted too? SNP government try to bleed him dry. Was it Mr Donnelly who was contacted? It is like a sausage machine, whichever government it is. The contempt of the SG and SNP leadership has fro democracy is only matched by the Brit Nat Pres and Medias contempt for the truth. Bums glued to seats and eyes fixed to screens, whilst football boots hang motionless on hooks. In a manner similar to my young experiences of Labour, it is looking likely I will never vote for the SNP again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberdeenshire_East_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)#Election_results. Dont cling to the lectern as if you are drowning Would that begin to explain things in a way that made sense? Im wondering if there is any other link between Nicolas office and the copfs which would allow Lord Wolffe to say I didnt touch it. I was waiting for one of them to fall off. If copfs is responsible for malicious prosecutions then what does this potentially mean for hundreds if not thousands of convictions in Scotlands courts over recent years? We are the inheritors. There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. He appears to have lost a lot of weight too. Like many of you, I suspect, I grew up with Labour. 24 February, 2021 at 10:01 pm His hands are as filthy as the last Lord Advocate! It all happens after Fridays Fabiani Committee Meeting with Salmond and Mondays with Wolffe. She often sits behind NS or others and is often in the camera shot. So maybe their questioning wasnt as lame as it might appear. @ Strathy 8:58 pm See previous para. Christine Grahame MSP @CGrahameMSP MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. You have to admit, shes given any potential future female politicians the best lesson in what NOT to do in power that they could have had. They get two nibbles. I think you might mean Christine Grahame? We are a very small parliament with therefore a small number of backbenchers so we dont have the same kind of freedom of thought across all the parties that they have at Westminster. Thats what makes it most galling bacause it is all so needless. Lots of looking down and to the left. It beggars belief. Salmond did (pretty much) say in his recent submission that he thought the conspirators would have been successful in stitching him up and falsely imprisoning him had it not been for the protection of the court and jury system and in particular the Court of Session and High Court of Justiciary (which are I think the two highest courts). I just keep thinking, this must go deeper and be more insidious than we think, for them to keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper. This is OUR democracy, not theirs. She has a condition that causes a head tremor. If the committee and/or the SPCB fail in getting evidence from the Clown Office then the publication of the documents which Craig Murray seeks is of extreme importance to everyone in Scotland who believes that it is fair and just that the soveriegn people of Scotland are given full rights to defend themselves unhindered by the spheres of the Scottish Government (including COPFS) and the Scottish Parliament. Malcolm is, obviously, but there are not so many doing that and, in a way, its because were so small., Chisholm will soon be off too, the former health minister having announced he will step down at the next Holyrood election. Rhiannon Spear. -. The UK media seem more interested in whether it will reduce support for independence rather than any facts. Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): 8. Log In. Even winning is losing as the costs are huge, and the time you never get back. I am a bit more liberal tho I reckon we slip him the micky SODIUM PENTOTHAL in his latte, administered just before. Scottish lawyers affiliated to Scotgov are indeed bent. Ive waited patiently for the SG to release the relevant documents. I suppose we shouldnt be surprised but its still a shock to find ourselves in this situation. They would sit down and just talk and [at] one point, I remember a whole lot were talking and finally, I just said, look, you may have the rest of the evening to do this, I dont. [6] Following her election, she was again selected as Convener of the Justice Committee for the session. Join Facebook to connect with Christine Grahame and others you may know. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. makes his spout bull shit until those present are comatose. If you want justice in this country fuck lawyers, HIRED THUGS are cheaper, more reliable, and amazingly, more honest. Have some respect & consideration for Stuart. Very interesting link Hautey, hopefully Salmond will now be able to tell all. Did the Crown Office receive any submissions from any third party before it wrote to the SPCB yesterday? Here endeth the lesson, let those who have ears and not one eye on their next career move, hear. Keep it up stu, we need you more than ever! Its our dear Lawrence and Craig . The truth will out in full and in glorious technicolour. He previously served from 2011 to 2016 as Lord Advocate, one of the Great Officers of State of Scotland and the countrys chief Law Officer, and as Solicitor General, the junior Law Officer.[3]. Its game over for them. "[20] A month later, Grahame arranged a second meeting with the prisoner, Megrahi. I think the problem for the Justice Committee, which started and has grown over the years, is theres no space for inquiries. Now is the time. Rees-Mogg mentioned in Parliament ~month ago: The Prime Minister is doing his job and Moanalot will have something to moan about in early February when Salmond gives evidence to a committee of inquiry in the Scottish Parliament and we find out all that is going on up north to the disadvantage of the Scottish people led by a hopeless administration.. This rhetoric is devastating for womens trust in reporting sexual harassment + abuse.. Of course, the reforms that have dominated the committees most recent deliberations police and fire reform, tribunals, changes to the court system, and the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill are something of an exception. Im getting lost in many mazes of mazes, going inside out and then upside down; SO can you explain this strange message, please? And the reason these ScotGov plants AND the Scottish COPFS are trying to suppress Alex Salmonds testimony, is because the manner in which the case was orchestrated against him is ALREADY STANDARD throughout the UK (& beyond) *secret* Family Courts system. The pile of evidence is growing so fast that it will take Poirot Sherlock Holmes and miss Marples to get to the bottom of who did what and who authorized it .The scary thing is some of not all will escape any form of prosecutions and some will stay in positions of responsibility in the event of any outcome The thread hands up if youre totally corrupt, wasnt a license to talk about the alphabet women. Sturgeon, youve been found out. She will have to be forced out. Top of the News. I read that, looked at it and my gut instinct was to say, THATS A BLOKE. The SSPCA was called and checked out the animal. I have it on impeccable authority that she was not merely not a very good lawyer, she was absolutely dire, almost unemployable; probably another reason that she hates Joanna Cherry. Someone from COPFS is dealing directly with government officials hence his statement he was out the loop. Another shite performance under what can only be described as polite questioning .I hope that someone wasnt paid public money to coach him Billions on the Brexit divorce settlement Was this man given parliamentary privilege meaning that he could effectively be lying and never risk contempt of parliament? I have always contacted Stue to make him aware, so he could take my post down. Date lodged: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 55 for, 64 against, 0 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: Paul O'Kane, West Scotland, Scottish Labour. Exactly the same as the wummin oan her wedding night said tae her man efter seein him naked for the first time, Willie Jay says: This news has been on the WWW for ages but not reported in the MSM. Walter James Wolffe, Her Majestys Advocate, known as the Lord Advocate, Alison Di Rollo, Solicitor General for Scotland, Who else is in the frame as a seniur profesional prosecutor apart from the now notorious, and named by Jackie Bailey, Whatever the outcome of Evil Queen Nic v Honest Scot Alex, surely the Yoons are going to play on this for a long, long time afterwards. This site requires JavaScript for certain functions and interactions to work. A. Yup. I dont think [I am] a thorn [in the side], I dont think so at all. what a shifty cunt he licks his lips like a serial killer in a movie. Christine Graham's office is located at 5301 Creedmoor Rd, Raleigh, NC 27612. About. The answer is obvious Wolffe has little control over the COPFS and he is being sidelined. The world is closed. Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 23 for, 93 against, 3 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: George Adam, Paisley, Scottish National Party. @Solarflare. LeBay Daughter - Died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Scotlands first female First Minister, ends up making a total corrupt arse of it, and going down lashing out sullenly in shame and ignominy. Breeks says: He testifies that he was contacted subsequently by Liz Lloyd to amend a press statement to hide the knowledge of the allegations against Salmond in March 2018. SNP has already lost my regional vote (Ive done the wurkie-outs). Yes, there are animals involved here. I would like to work to help change the built environment to make it more sustainable and healthier for . Paul Wynn Jan. 12, 2023. Fingers crossed. That arse wipe Spear on Twitter has just accused Alex Salmond of a abuse of Power where is yer evidence Mr Spear it is a mister isnt it ? Dr Milne was the natural. They tend, then, to make cowardly politicians. These are the questions that this MSP has asked in Parliament. Twitter Jeggit. However, watch as MSM and the BBC and the Tory autonomy-eunuchs conflate them. One development, though, in her view, is less positive. Surely not. NS has shown contempt for our democratic system. We all know what the original submission said before COPFS nobbled it. Was he aware of what was going on? Two weeks later, the dog was put down after biting someone. [9] In April 2020, Scottish Labour's Lewis Macdonald was elected as interim Deputy Presiding Officer in her absence. You can find other locations and directions on Healthgrades. What about Carig Murray? Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has made of its contributions to development in Malawi through its Malawi development programme 2018-23. Her first experience of higher education two decades earlier had been something of a daunting experience. Born in Staffordshire, England, and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland, she attended the University of Edinburgh and Moray House College of Education. Until he commented that the section had been redacted to protect complainers. Now, I may be wrong, but arent a lot of the Scottish legal profession pals of Murdo and the watp crowd. If Aberdeins evidence is made public Liz Lloyd is either going to have to take a fall to protect her boss or turn on Sturgeon to protect her career. The setback, however, did not stop the Bill narrowly passing at Stage 1, as an amendment that would have removed the controversial rule change from the proposed legislation fell by three votes. O/T I dont know about you folks but these days Alex Salmond dignity is clear to see. @Willie Jay Top Holyrood seal clapper and nodding dog is Kevin Stewart MSP. a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. TBH what he said was no answer to any of the questions. AwakeNotWoke says: Christina R. Graham (Pitts) is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Farmville, VA. . CHRISTINE GRAHAM OBITUARY. He and a few others know something big but cant say. Particularly down south. I suspect you have misdescribed me. Lady Dorrian is going to be extremely miffed when yet again a case appears before her on the exact same issues as the other week brought by the Spectator. We have shared heroes and deeply intertwined histories too. We know they were betrayed by their sister, Leslie Evans, who took the material direct to the Crown Agent against their explicit wishes. And he is innocent", "Megrahi desperate to see his family, says MSP", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Christine_Grahame&oldid=1137959200, Members of the Scottish Parliament 19992003, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20032007, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20072011, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20112016, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20162021, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20212026, Deputy Presiding Officers of the Scottish Parliament, Female members of the Scottish Parliament, People educated at Boroughmuir High School, Articles with dead external links from November 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 07:54. As Rev suggested, there was this man who is allegedly an expert in court, always on his brief and quick with his digging for the truth (maybe). Ive had the pleasure of watching many members of the legal profession undertaking court work prior to my retirement. Mr Salmond seeks an injunction and a judicial review to protect his reputation. Did I hear bodies being thrown under a bus by Wolfie? It is interesting that he has been called back at all. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Im knackered just reading about it. Amazon is blossoming as hairdressers and pubs go bust. Above looks interesting , is the press turning? I know that that msp has a medical issue which causes head tremors. All my life I have lived with the pain of english rule. the 2 TRILLION OF DEBT before Covid must now be down to Grandchildren Then ISP or AFI only on the list. Grahame has lodged several questions and motions on this in the Scottish Parliament[23] and continues to be involved with campaign groups on the matter. 6 May 1999 - 5 May 2011. I mean that seriously. 9+ years of both covert and overt operations by the British state designed to destroy trust and confidence in Scottish institutions and devolution? It looks tiny with no lips. [21], A few days after the dropping of Megrahi's appeal against conviction and his release on compassionate grounds on 20 August 2009, Grahame wrote an op-ed article for The Independent saying she is convinced of his innocence: "He is not a saint, of course he had a history with Libyan intelligence but his hands are clean over Lockerbie."[22]. last 24 hours and why has the daily Death total today still higher than The UK media seem more interested in whether it will reduce support for independence rather than any facts. I used to have some respect for lawyers, but as the years passed, I got to know a few, had to use a few, or found myself in court or on a jury my respect for the whole thing has long evaporated. The Crown Office appears to be doing a great job of bringing it into disrepute. It is perhaps time that untidy bastard Wolffe did some poridge. 24 February, 2021 at 10:03 pm, @ Brian Doonthetoon says: Wolffes bottle has crashed, another liar whos not even good at it hell fall far. Probably wouldnt now though. Daring the COPFS to challenge AS in another court case namely contempt of court But honestly still have no idea how this is all going to end (yet). Adjust parties involved and which have constituency or list candidates depending upon which are a approved by the Electoral Commission. He had the look to me of someone that knew they were in a hole and was desperately trying not to dig any further. After the election, she was reshuffled from chair of the Scottish Parliament's Health committee to Shadow Minister for Social Justice, generally seen by media commentators as an upwards shift. Which is why he had to make an abject, grovelling apology for them being the exact opposite of that recently. Bythe end, hed left nobody any the wiser. Surely that would have sunk his boat instead of asking questions that have an infinite get out Claus. A family nurse practitioner is a nurse who completed a. This website is using cookies. She cant fall back on her legal career. Professional prosecutors and a big compensation division for paying out millions in damages. but McDonalds is open. This rhetoric is devastating for womens trust in reporting sexual harrassment + abuse. Grahame ran for Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party in the 2004 leadership election, but was defeated by Nicola Sturgeon. Dont pretend to consult your notes when there is no conceivable need to do so Sturgeons statement that because you are found not guilty, that doesnt mean you are innocent will come back to haunt her. 2002, B.S. We should expect those in whom we have placed our trust to protect above all else the 'constitution' and the structures that protect us from tyranny. He cannot be seriously expecting us to believe that being the head of COPFS and his neck on the line on this that he did not scrutinised that letter in detail before it was handed over to the committee. But a portent of what is to surely follow and I hope that soon, both will be talking to Salmond. Or could it have been David harvie, the elusive crown agent who used to report to Leslie Evans when she got somebody to give him the unlawful report? I am angry and despondent: I may never see my nation free in my lifetime. At 76, Christine Grahame has become the oldest MSP ever to be elected to Holyrood,winning 19,807 votes. She was a shambling mess in THAT Sophie Ridge interview but looked very cocky today. If that was the case, they would have not deleted entire paragraphs. Apologies if this has already been posted, the bypassing of Holyrood begins, we dont have years to hold an indyref, this Mays elections must be a plebiscite. Those supporting Alex Salmond, Wings Over Scotland, Joanna Cherry, Kenny MacAskill et al. Im not prepared to make any commitment just now until I see what happens up and through Stage 2 When we were talking about corroboration before we even had the legislation, I said the jury is out to use that awful expression Im not convinced. That, from any governmental leader, is unacceptable. Crown Office is corrupt and incompetent.. Bet ya, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ghana-women-sexcrimes-trfn-idUSKCN25315H, WhoRattledYourCage says: BrianDTT is not being facetious or cryptic it is just old information that old wingers knew about but cannot be elaborated on, Garavelli Princip says: Stuart, I dont know how youre keeping up with all the last ditch, sleekit twists & turns as this farce heads inexorably towards towards a denouement, but thanks for taking one (a biggie) for the team. That tells you that Donald Gorrie was a bit of a rebel. J. Hillis Miller Health Center Location 1600 SW Archer Rd. Millions for City Projects Watch the bit of the briefing again and youll see what I mean. Ive tried to see the issue from all sides. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4224045.stm. Without them there is nothing. The Fabiani Committee have issued a s.24 notice to the Crown Office to produce documents, copies of which are in the possession of Alex Salmond [presumably unused material in the criminal proceedings which was likely to undermine the prosecution case or assist the defence]. She is also ranked in the richest person list from England. No other concerns were raised, and no other concerns have been raised subsequently. So we have to get our message out in those terms. Ireland to offer all Scots (for some definition of Scot) Irish citizenship? At that point the charges amounted to Ms 2 and Ms 3, together with the AlphaBetties. Looking at the individual dissembling and obfuscating I couldnt help but think what a weasel of a little man. In the 1994 European Parliament election, she contested the South of Scotland constituency, again unsuccessfully. It speaks volumes about the quality of the opposition in Hollyrood. She passes the dossier to the police, who refuse it. This is his site & comments as such put him in Jeopardy. A higher prison population is historically typical of countries under colonial domination. With that said, if the committee or SPCB go to Lady Dorrian/High Court with all of the evicence (which it may or may not get from the Clown Office) and has the judge give opinion on their lawfulness in respect of the criminal trials anonimity order, then that would clear the way for all of this evidence to be published to the inquiry, evidence which is being witheld & buried by the corrupt Clown Office, Clown Agent and the biggest clown of them all the Lord Advocate. However I believe she was also gaslighted by British State plants whom she thought were her friends, within the SNP and Scottish Government Civil Service apparatus who no doubt reinforced the #BelieveHer messaging which followed and reinforced #MeToo in late 2017 and into 2018 until this day. Unnamed Male Mechanic - Died of carbon monoxide poisoning. I am sure I am not alone in that. The harrassment enquiry was the lead item on ITV news at 10 tonight. Sturgeon wont resign. . I have been privileged to represent the people of Midlothian and the Borders for 22 years in the Scottish Parliament. Is one supposed to give a free-pass to people with *alleged* difficulties, and yet those same people seem to waltz through life, and lifes challenges/social challenges without let or hinder? Best start looking through yer favourite shop, Totty Rocks for a frock with fetching stripes that match the latest fashion at Corton Vale. I am not going to get into the substance of the issues, not least because, in doing so, there would be a risk of my breaching the court order. incompetences of Tory management of Covid 19 because I think the events of today have proven my point. I note that the Lord Advocate said that he was not consulted. Please turn on JavaScript for the best possible experience. Brent Crude (Scotland`s type) now selling at over $65 per barrel. Incidentally, in his interview with Mark McNaught recently Craig Murray identified a former MI5 agent working at the Crown Office.
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