Fury said in disbelief. If we haven't found a name in the first round, we can go to the second round and so on. It was revealed in Captain Marvel that Fury lost his eye when Goose scratched him. Do you count weekends as well? Nick Shirm portrayed Zacharias Smith in the film and video game adaptations of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He would also sneak into empty classrooms to be with Penelope, so as to be away from the prying eyes of his siblings, but was caught on one occasion by his youngest sister Ginny. Harry left his house at 8:45 am, and went right to the ministry, then onto the department of magical law enforcement. The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. Do you realize you are getting carried away by reading all these fanfictions? "I am privy to this information because I'm one of the lot they want dead. In the 70s, a man called Lord Voldemort - pretentious fucker, his real name was Tom Riddle, rose to power leading a group of terrorists named Death Eaters. Harry assured them before he left for the ministry to calm down and not panic. I'm fully intrigued now. Finding the letter extremely offensive, Ron tore it up and threw it into the fire. Romances However, he showed rare glimmerings of a sense of humour when joking with Penelope Clearwater over sabotaging Harry's broomstick,[23] and when duelling Pius Thicknesse during the Battle of Hogwarts.[25]. Percy's admiration of Crouch was so strong that he defended Crouch when his brothers mocked him and when Crouch sacked Winky, putting his friendship with Hermione Granger under strain when she condemned Crouch's seemingly unreasonable act. Wand Steve has never seen Clint lose his cool. Taken in by the Malfoy family, Harry learns . No list of Haphne fics would be complete without Jeconais' Perfect . Fury glared at them for interrupting and they gulped. Steve thinks that Baron Zemo also hasn't done any attacks to single him out lately. Harry Potter Death (Harry Potter) Aizen Sousuke Soul King (Bleach) The Doctor (Doctor Who) Jack Harkness Ron Weasley Artemis Nick Burkhardt Monroe (Grimm) Sean Renard James "Bucky" Barnes Steve Rogers Booker | Sebastien le Livre Andy | Andromache of Scythia Nicky | Nicol di Genova Selene (Underworld) Daenerys Targaryen Rhaegar Targaryen When the truth was revealed, he felt ashamed about his actions and guiltily shunned his family until the moment that he might have lost them during the Battle of Hogwarts, even though he had been wanting to apologise to them for some time, at which Percy sincerely apologised to them and was forgiven by them all. ", "What in the Hel do you mean by father issues, Barton?" The behaviour was noted by his siblings, who found it strange. But in the MCU, Fury is sensitive about the subject and doesn't want to talk about why he wears an eyepatch. Fury instructed Tony. Finished. 'The biggest community is in Britain and for the past few years, they've been in a War which if won by the wrong side, will have bigger ramifications than World War 2. You've been ignoring our calls forweeksand now you decide just to drop in?" Harry drank the potion before looking at her with confusion on his face. my husband's ptsd is draining me; waterrower replace monitor; starting an indoor playground business canada; purdue undergraduate business school acceptance rate; lg uhd tv webos 55un69 review; grace pick up lines; walmart 10 lbs chicken leg quarters; evaluate crossword clue 4 letters; sam's club hash brown patties. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Harry Potter And The- so I really am Fate's Bitch? Draco gave an excited look. The Burrow, where Percy grew up along with his family. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Then she gets her letter for Hogwarts and thinks change. During his stay at the Leaky Cauldron before the start of his seventh year, he accused Ron of dripping tea on it. Percy was also highly opinionated, and made loud comments regarding the Sirius Black situation and the measures he would suggest when he made it into the Ministry of Magic. All the Avenger's became incredibly tense, more of Harry's life starting to fall into place. He still needs to get around the idea that magic really exists. Instead of being overjoyed, Harry's disgusted. Now Harry's got super strength he can't control and an almost unnecessary amount of magical power. He also told his father that he was an idiot for believing Dumbledore and his loyalty remained with the Ministry. For more information, please see our How could you? When Harry is sorted into Slytherin, he's quickly disowned by his family. Thor nods in agreement. No one knows what happened. [12] He tried to be a role-model for Ron and Ginny, but they took after the fun-loving twins. He later sat with his family in silence and mourning. He playfully remarked to her about sabotaging Harry's Firebolt when she asked if she could touch it.[22]. left kudos on this work! Their bond was broken after the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, when Percy condemned his boss's house-elf Winky, and Hermione was angry at his unfairness, having recently realised how badly house-elves were treated. He commanded as he strode into the room, stopping at the front as the group of heroes all scrambled to obey the order. "Everyone- sit your asses down." Harry has told me so much about you! At twelve, there was a Basilisk in the school - and yes, I'm talking about the beast from the stories. ", "Do you think you're not hurting me now? This was a tad worse than growing up in a cult. Before Steve can say anything, Clint quickly replies, "Nat, how could you say that? Who introduced them to you anyway? We can each nominate a name and everyone else can vote for and against. Unatoned by SeriousScribble. The avengers stared at the pair as Fury clung onto Harry as if he might lose him any second. He hopes Thor doesn't take it the wrong way. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. [27], On 1 September, 2017, he was present on platform 9, discussing broomstick regulations, presumably seeing off one or both of his daughters to school. During the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch match, he caught Jacob's sibling in the Gryffindor common room with Jae Kim using magic outside of class. I can always turn into Hulk," Bruce says with a surprisingly menacing glare at Loki. Perhaps a low level HYDRA attack which can be handled by himself so as not to endanger anyone else? Although to be honest, Thorki is icky as you are brothers while Cap and I are not." ", "Fine, be my guest. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In the weeks that followed, Percy had to work doubly hard at the Ministry to cope with the large number of Howlers that crossed his desk from the disgruntled and frightened public. ", "As you asked me so nicely, Captain, and you don't resort to violence nor insulting me, I will answer it," Loki answers and winks at Steve, who in turn blushes. [13], Percy, while working as a scribe for the Ministry. I don't own Harry potter it belongs to J.K.Rowling After her friends abndoned her in the summer after 4th year Hayley starts to question her life and decides to give up. JARVIS, could you please count how many times each of us mention Loki's name?" ", Thor relaxes slightly and Clint actually puts his bow down although he still grumbles, "Well, he is the God of Lies so he can still harm us psychologically with his words or his magic. 'Should I be aiming my gun at you or was all the shit Harry told me about you true?' Tony shakes his head and says, "You two blonds have to stop answering me at the same time. Ironically, this led to Percy's defection from his family. Tony cursed, how was he supposed to be a genius if he wasn't given all the facts about the people living inside his tower. He survived the battle but was grief-stricken over the death of his brother Fred, whom he was fighting alongside and was determined to avenge. Fury said casually. The avengers glanced at each other, Harry had been to prison? Bruce, I don't know why you would enjoy it but I guess the music and humor is nice. Steve doesn't know what else he should wish for now. During the summer of 1994, Percy worked diligently under Crouch, a man whom he admired and respected for his strict adherence to rules and his perfectionist attitude towards his work. Tony, at first, thinks it's a ridiculous idea and tells Fury just that as he calls the unformed team a super-secret boy band and doesn't really think that it would work. So- you're going to do what I can't.' In that case, you will be very busy!". He took to Apparating downstairs to breakfast every morning just to prove he could in fact do it. [25], Percy proved himself to be very much of a social climber. Harry Potter was sent to America on Ministry business, through this he meets Nick Fury, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Harry is on holiday in New York when he meets Tony Stark in a club. It was believed by some that he may not have been acting under his own accord, and that his instructions may have been written by someone else. ", Clint laughs uncontrollably and says, "Well, considering that Voldermort always loses to Harry Potter, it's very appropriate. Shall I let them in? Family: Sarah Walker - Daughter. Dumbledore, with no intentions of being taken to Azkaban then proceeded to knock out Umbridge, Fudge, Kingsley, and Dawlish and made his escape. In which John discusses his new novel (Paper Towns), the Nerdfighting antics of Harry and the Potters, the forthcoming punishment, and Academic Decathalon.HE. Nick Fury approaches Tony Stark about his idea to create a group of superheroes that work together to face any possible alien threat that S.H.I.E.L.D can't handle on their own. [13] After his family and Dumbledore were proven to be right and the Ministry wrong, Percy was too ashamed of his past cruelty towards them,[24] that he felt himself unable to reconcile with them, and even missed Bill's wedding. "I honestly have no idea what you are talking about," answers Loki with genuine confusion. asked Tony already beginning to search for a trace of the kid, "He's kinda short, black hair, green eyes and ". Volunteer members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force were able to free him.[28]. Bruce chuckles. Weasley familyPrewett familyHogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryGryffindorBritish Ministry of MagicDepartment of International Magical Co-operation (formerly)Department of Magical Transportation I'm sure you Asgardians and Steve won't know the reference. Percy Apparated to the Hog's Head, and travelled down the secret tunnel to the Room of Requirement, hoping he hadn't missed the battle. Fury shook his head. How such a powerful wizard could be defeated by a teenager really baffles me. When Fudge was succeeded by Rufus Scrimgeour as Minister, Percy continued in his role as Junior Assistant. With the added advantage of everyone going against him because they found out he could speak to snakes.". Steve blushes and wonders why he has become the object of winking and eyebrow wriggling the whole morning. Percy also witnessed the slaying of Bellatrix Lestrange at the hands of his mother, along with Harry Potter's final defeat of Lord Voldemort bringing about the end of the Second Wizarding War. Eventually, though, he managed to make contact with Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's estranged younger brother, who had connections with the Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore's Army. 332 guests [13] He became delusional, untrustworthy, ignorant and power-hungry, much like his idol Cornelius Fudge, and inaccurately believed Dolores Umbridge to be a good-natured woman, despite her true sadistic and hateful nature, while at the same time wrongly believing Harry, Dumbledore and his family to be liars. [7], Percy Weasley as a prefect in his sixth year. He left after being ordered to make a copy of his notes for the Daily Prophet, thus avoiding the fate that awaited the remaining officials. Tony says with a wink. [21] and N.E.W.T. Why didn't I name myself Vibranium Man. Ask your brother what we talked about, I have been explaining the concept of fanfiction to him the whole night," answers Tony with less enthusiasm. Human He was sitting next to his father and across from his mother, sister, and George. lake wildwood association dues , , . Steve thinks that the guns will be useless against magic anyway. "Oh joy, lucky us!" He often imagined himself as the protagonist in a world of his own, finally in control of his own destiny. If only glaring could burn, there would be two piles of ashes where Clint and Loki used to be. Something burning and flaming, familiar and comforting. In the fighting, his maternal uncles, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, both members of the Order of the Phoenix, were murdered fighting Antonin Dolohov and four other Death Eaters. Hermione Granger, his future sister-in-law. Fred was surprised with his brother for making a joke after so long but the joyous mood was shattered when an explosion destroyed part of the corridor they were in and killed Fred. "And I thought the kids in my high school where asshole. While in Egypt Fred and George also tried to lock him in a pyramid, but were caught by their mother. Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. Surprisingly, despite the trouble he was previously in, Percy was offered the position of Junior Assistant to Fudge himself. [13] Finally, after reconciling with his family, in the brief ceasefire allowed to them by Lord Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy comforted Ron following Fred's death, which also devastated him. [12] He was a small child during the height of the First Wizarding War. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They were never again as close, and when Percy broke ties with his family, this generally included Hermione as she was closely associated with the Weasleys and Harry. It was cold hewasn't going to let the kid freeze to death! For a complete history see Nick Fury's Expanded History Early Life The eldest of three children, Nicholas Joseph Fury grew up in Depression-era New York City with his brother Jacob and sister Dawn. Now let's get you to the Hospital Wing." Angela lost 20 points from Slytherin for disarming a teacher but didn't get detention considering the circumstances and Harry's arm was mended right away by Madam Pomphrey. He said with an expectant look. He was the younger brother of Bill and Charlie, the older brother of the late Fred Weasley, George, Ron and Ginny. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction . "Brother, you don't want to know about Thorki. They later became brothers-in-law through Harry's marriage to Ginny. Regardless, the damage that Fudge had caused to Percy's relationships with his family was done and it took 2 years before Percy was finally able to reconcile with them. Loki stares disbelievingly at Tony and says, "Why should I answer questions that won't benefit me? Tony, the boys also have father issues. "Mr. Potter-MalfoyLovely to see you again." Amelia greeted. "Who was the child?" Loki continues, "It's because one of you mentioned my name five times. After the fall of the Ministry to the Death Eaters in 1997, Percy finally realised just how corrupt the Ministry was and fully accepted that he had been wrong the whole time and abandoned the Ministry. "JARVIS, don't you dare! Clint asks. He married a woman named Audrey and had two daughters, Molly, named after her paternal grandmother, and Lucy. Full of anger and sorrow, Percy stormed back into battle, charging after Death Eater Augustus Rookwood, who was attacking a group of students further down the corridor. Pure-blood When Percy returned from his first quest, he came home to find his mom had been murdered by Gabe. Species However, Percy's rise through the Ministry caused a rift between him and his family following the return of Lord Voldemort. Skin colour We're straight, you even have Pepper who is very devoted to you. Fury sounded incredibly unimpressed, and Bucky felt a twinge of sympathy for whoever told him that. Whatever happened to decency and kindness? bellows Thor, he nearly jumps at Clint but Steve, who is sitting next to Thor, manages to press his right hand at Thor's shoulder. Occupation He remained at Hogwarts during the Christmas period in 1991, and sat his O.W.Ls at the end of the year. Paige Whedon - Granddaughter. [27], Harry Potter first met Percy Weasley at King's Cross Station when he saw him go through the barrier to platform 9. Reunited with his family, he stood alongside with the defenders of Hogwarts against the Death Eaters. Later, he wrote to his parents to inform them that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber. I would have told you, promise.". He cared immensely about his own self-image and always tried to appear sophisticated, intelligent and upper-class, but only succeeded at becoming narcissistic, coarse and rather insensitive. Percy Weasley worked under Crouch for thirteen months and was absolutely obsessed with him: indeed, Percy's brother Ronald joked in August of 1994 that he should be expecting their engagement any day. Peter had his head on Draco's lap his legs laid across Wanda and Harry's laps. Percy Ignatius Weasley "Right, so I'm looking for my kid he was in England butI can't find him and there are rumours to him being in New York. You're competing for his best Dad spot right now, aren't you?' [22] For the most part, Percy liked Harry, and awarded him full marks during the Triwizard Tournament when he stood in for Bartemius Crouch Snr during the Second Task. [25], In later life, Percy married a woman named Audrey, and the couple had two children, Molly and Lucy. He moved to London where he was able to get himself a flat, and continued with the position in Fudge's office. (n.) the act of loving in return. Following the hearing, despite Harry being cleared of all charges, Percy believed that Harry only got off due to a technicality, and he also ignored his father, who was waiting outside for Harry. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. [19], As a third-year, Percy was allowed to visit Hogsmeade. When the second half of the battle broke out, he joined forces in the Great Hall and with the help of his father was able to floor Thicknesse. However, this did not bother the Weasleys and they continued to stand by their beliefs. Blood status Harry Potter and the Wastelands of all Time Genre: Action/Adventure, Time Travel Harry's determination to triumph against Voldemort directs him to create a pact with the devil (figuratively speaking). When he visited the village for the first time, he went to the Three Broomsticks Inn with Charlie. Cookie Notice You know that I created you. Percy is a short form of the name Percival, which is derived from Old French, meaning "pierce the veil". [13], Percy severed all ties with his family, wanting everyone to know that he had nothing to do with them. [22], That year, when Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was under a constant threat of attack by Sirius Black, he prided himself in helping with security, being trusted wholly by Albus Dumbledore to keep the students safe. Out of the six films he was used in, Percy only had a speaking appearance in the first three films, while he has no dialogue in the fifth, seventh, and eighth films. His dad left earth and abandoned his friends. Recueil de Drabbles - L o la Magie passe, la paix trpasse ! Real desperation for this child. Steve takes all his strength to hold on to Thor but he thinks it will be futile unless he mediates quickly. Fury stated heavily. The Quintessential Marauders Era Tony, please don't ask those irrelevant questions. The one getting the most votes will win. He considered Harry a bad influence for Ron and sent him a letter encouraging him to sever ties with Harry and to stay on Umbridge's good side so that he could become eligible for Head Boyship in a few years. I'll inform her right away," answers JARVIS a little bit too enthusiastically for an AI system. ", Bruce is surprised to be included as he is barely mentioned in any earlier conversation. [13], John Dawlish, Cornelius Fudge, and Percy see Voldemort inside the Ministry of Magic, Following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Percy now knew the truth about Lord Voldemort's return, but continued to side with the Ministry because he couldn't bring himself to face his family after seeing that they were right all along when siding with Harry and Dumbledore and he was wrong for siding with the Ministry, feeling shame over it. Course, if it was that simple, I wouldn't be telling you this. Besides, we already had an agreement with Ms. Potts this morning. [29] Later that year, when Gryffindor won the final match of the season, vs. Slytherin, Percy jumped "up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten."[30]. I guess fanfiction is a suitable tool for me to sow disconcert in this realm.". An otherworldly being trying to subjugate the planet would surely fit the bill, wouldn't it? Wincest is so wrong on so many levels," Clint says with expression of pain in his face. [13], Percy with Harry Potter in Dumbledore's office after the discovery of Dumbledore's Army, In early 1996, Percy was one of the Ministry officials summoned to Hogwarts following Professor Umbridge's discovery of the secret organisation, Dumbledore's Army. "He has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead" Harry finished as he stepped into the room. He thought all you lot - muggles, were below them. After Voldemort's death, he is among those who hugged Harry for his victory over Voldemort, Harry's lack of protest showing his better views of Percy. Family members No the Bratdefinitely didn't look cute in it. Even though the Ministry did accept that the Dark Lord had indeed returned following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Percy's shame over his behaviour stopped him from reconciling with his family. Makes it hard to know who to fight for.' No, I didn't come across Lord Voldermort by such a petty means as a lady friend. It's not enough that you subject me to watching it with you, must you bring it into The Avengers' meeting? I know that he loved me though," Tony answers surprisingly with great insight. He quickly replies with a wry smile, "Thanks, Clint! Twelve years later the Avengers Initiative is put into play after the Tesseract is stolen by visiting alien, Loki. Percy and his five brothers Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, and Ron as well as his younger sister, Ginny, grew up in the Burrow on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England. It was also once stated by his brother Ron that "Percy wouldn't know a joke if it danced naked in front of him wearing Dobby's tea cosy". Gryffindor[12] I realize now it's not your fault as you were not around. In 1995, he broke off all ties with his family following an argument with his father over his promotion to Junior Assistant to Fudge. How flattering! Percy's estrangement from his family continued, although he did write a letter to Ron, congratulating him on becoming a prefect and urging him to stop associating with Harry (who he felt was a bad influence) as well as believing that his family would one day realise their mistake for believing Dumbledore and apologise to him. The family, while rejoicing the end of the Second Wizarding War, was also devastated over the loss of Fred. Percy Ignatius "Perce" Weasley (b. He said that with a wink to Steve. Do the twenty-four hours include yesterday? He said befuddled. Fair warning, it is a dark and tragic story that is a far cry from the usual Harry/Daphne fare. ", Steve answers, "Tony, I actually know who Voldermort is," while at the same time Thor says, "I really enjoy reading how the brave kid with the thunder mark defeats the Dark Lord. "Wow, not only you have father issues but also centennial sibling rivalry, and people say I have issues," Tony says with a big smile, not realizing that his teammates wince at his statement. "Certainly, sir. He looked up at the Avengers and they all saw the pain in his eyes. Relationship information I did some research to discover who the greatest wizard in Midgard is and fashioned my method after him. How did Father treat you?" 'Because Iwas never responsible for not keeping the kid out of prison.' ", Thor answers swiftly, "I can usually feel my brother's magic but I think he is not possessing any magical power at the moment." Calling Odin's name five times or something?". Since this morning, Mr. Odinson has mentioned Loki five times, you mentioned him twice, Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff once each. Harry meets reunites with Fury in-front of the avengers they are confused. You can help with a lot of Stony stuff as well," teases Tony while he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively again. Friday's voice interrupted his musings "Sir, Fury is in the elevator", Tony groaned "Okay, kids Nick probably wants to talk avengers business so clear off while we talk?". At least as genuine as someone can believe Loki is capable of. Finally, a reason to buy a bigger TV. You seem to enjoy watching Supernatural with me. "I know Cap, although, if you want to make it up to me, you can read all the fanfictions featuring me and vote which one is the best. "Wait, doesn't Capsicle like Twilight? 'Fourteen - he was entered into a competition - underage by three damn years and fought dragons, nearly drowned and then watched his boyfriend be killed in front of him, before being forced to watch the madman responsible for all his pain come back to full power. Cornelius Fudge, his former Ministry superior. "OK, that confirms the part where you said you were not actually here but who in their right mind would want to summon you?" I kept the magic shit away from him. She boosted his morale by a tonne, and he flaunted himself even more, though he kept his relationship secret from his family, not wanted to be laughed at by anyone else. I hope you realize they are all fictional!". Fred was the first to forgive him, while George seemed to carry on as if the split had never occurred, and made a small joke about Percy having been a prefect. How does Tony's kid know Fury? He snorted. He announced, the smug look he wore, slightly hidden under the stress they could tell he felt. I thought it was history. He then looks at Steve and adds, "How do you manage these unruly so called heroes? 4. Harry was sandwiched between Wanda and Tony as Fury paced the room. "Basically Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard who believes you should do the right thing for the greater good and the Dark Lord Voldemort was of the opinion that you either bowed to him or died" Draco interrupted trying to provide context to the Avengers. Percy planned to report them but after Jacob's sibling managed to convince him not to report them by agreeing to find Scabbers. ", Tony uncharacteristically shrieks, "Arrgh, Pepper is really on to me this time. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction. ", Loki looks genuinely interested and says, "And you complained when I wanted to take away Midgardians' free will. Published by on June 29, 2022. Did they wear pointy hats and fly on brooms?'. Anyway, when I realized it, it was too late as I was sent to Asgard by you so I couldn't cancel the jinx to be replaced by something else more wicked.". In the comic, Fury loses his eye in a Nazi grenade blast. This eventually got Percy into trouble, as when Crouch escaped and was seen delirious on Hogwarts ground, the Ministry accused Percy of being irresponsible and unperceptive, that he should have seen the written orders as potential forgeries and that he should have informed a superior of Crouch's questionable status. It can also be short for Perseus, which is derived from Ancient Greek, meaning "destroyer". His love of order and rules, and obedience to authorities blinded him to the truth about Lord Voldemort's return and he felt ashamed after learning the truth and couldn't bring himself to see his family. From the greatest wizard in Midgard of course.". He tried to look out for his sister, Ginny, once forcing her to take Pepperup Potion because she looked ill, and by trying to assuage her fears that Ron's behaviour would get him expelled. [14], Percy preforming his duties as a prefect, showing first years around the common room, Back at school, Percy's duties as prefect led him into conflict with his brothers when he caught Ron in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, and Fred and George's loud, sarcastic proclamations over Harry Potter being the Heir of Slytherin. If he wasn't looking for you, my father would be obsessed with some other technology or women anyway as he was not a family man by nature. [13], Later that year during Christmas, Percy returned his traditional Christmas jumper to his mother unopened without a note, much to her distress, and neither visited his father in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries nor at least asked about him following his wounding by Nagini, much to Fred and George's fury. That was the only reason. Non-corporeal[9] Please consider turning it on! [20], An academically inclined, ambitious, and hard working student. ", Loki glares at Clint but Natasha glares back at Loki. "Come on Cap, where is your sense of humor? They did not know it was due to his new romance with Penelope then.
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