It had started off as a joke, but as time went on, Henry found himself actually meaning his answer more and more. Charlotte refuses to sit next to Henry in science class if he has two arms growing out of his ears trying to poke him. Henry and Charlotte agree to look for Ray. Henry and Charlotte were laughing as they walked into Henry's house (it appeared to be late at night, so they were probably coming from work). As they are coming out of the elevator, Henry and Charlotte are bickering because Henry thinks she should ambush Bysh with a baseball bat. Charlotte is annoyed by Henry, Jasper, and Ray's references of "obtaining" and "having" Noelle. Henry quickly responded when Charlotte screamed for him to come downstairs, as if she were really in distress and Henry wanted to save her. Charlotte shows concern for the side effect Henry has. Charlotte looked annoyed and rolled her eyes when Henry was talking about how pretty Veronika is. Charlotte is very confident that Henry is bluffing and isn't actually going to do anything in order to get her out of the chair, meaning that she was very confident that he would never do anything mean to her or roughly try to force her out of it (although he does end up trying to force her out). Work Search: Charlotte calls Henry and wakes him up to tell him about the musical curse. Charlotte looked concerned with why Henry was asleep. When Henry grabbed the gift, Charlotte stepped out of his way. Henry knew that Charlotte had to go to dinner with her parents. When he sees Charlotte stuck, Henry runs to the Auto snacked and tries to pull her out. Henry Danger, Chenry Tribute Pt. *, Sacred [ sey-krid ]Reverently dedicated to some person, purpose, or object.-Charlotte has been dead for a year, Henry is still mourning his loss. When Henry/Kid Danger asked her "And then what?" Henry Hart is not a normal kid. Henry and Charlotte go to the party together and get Jasper the barrel/bucket he wanted for his birthday. Charlotte asks if Henry can tap one more phone and he tries to tell her no but gets cut off by her saying Thanks Champ. I thought I heard a slight growl come from behind me. As far as we know, Jasper believes that they are exes. Henry complains to Charlotte that he nearly beat her in the game. Henry asks Charlotte who she's receiving a text from during the flashback in Henry's kitchen and attempts to listen to her until Jasper and Ray become too distracting. Henry tends to confide in Charlotte. Charlotte has to beat Henry up as part of her training, but he goes through with it anyway. Henry tapped Charlotte's shoulder to continue playing the video. When they reach the bottom of the elevator to the Man Cave Henry asks Charlotte if she's ok with a concerned tone. Henry doesnt express annoyance towards Charlotte (while Ray does) when she points out that Henrys plan to take the stairs isnt going well. Henry and Ray robbed the Swellview Bank so they could frame Bysh and get Charlotte out of fighting her. They had both fallen asleep in the same spot, they both scream "lips" when they wake up to see the other person, they had both gotten their phones stuck to their faces when they woke up, and they both uncomfortably wait for the elevator and say "where is this elevator? Henry teaches Charlotte how to fold napkins, Even though she thinks its dumb, Charlotte helps Henry (and Jasper) fold napkins for the needy and gets annoyed when Ray knocks them down, Henry calls Charlotte, stressed over the wall having been destroyed and she explains what their plan to fix things is, Henry says hell see Charlotte soon but she lets him know she might be awhile because shes painting the mural, Henry stays on the phone with Charlotte while Piper runs over and talks to him. Henry, in all his masked glory, would oftentimes laugh at the ever prevalent question and reply that he was married to the city and to his job. They were talking about a plan to get Mitch to admit that he framed Jasper. When he wakes up, he begins to act nervously around Charlotte the same way she was doing to him in the beginning of the episode. Henry held Charlotte by the shoulders and shoke her vigorously. Later in the episode, Schowz calls Henry Charlotte'sboyfriend. When Henry's mom starts to ask Henry about his underwear, Charlotte teases him by saying she wants to hear the question. Henry tried to distract Charlotte by saying he liked her shirt. Henry ate 5 of Charlotte's chili cheese burgers. When Gwen shows up and Henry goes to talk to Ray, Charlotte slightly pushes Henry to go talk to Ray. My locker slammed shut startling both Henry and me. Henry begs Charlotte to take his hand so he can get her out of the lion exhibit and even offers to look away since she is uncomfortable. They are best friends as well as co-workers. Henry says to Charlotte that she's the smart one in the group. Henry wanted Charlotte to help him get the underwear off the walls, but she left him to do it himself. H Henry Danger episodes, except it's not actually in Henry Danger. This is a Jaele fanfic. Henry looked disgusted/annoyed when Jasper said he was going to tell Charlotte what it's like to use the bathroom with hairy hands. Henry and Charlotte were talking and seemingly joking around when Jasper introduced them to Ortho. When Charlotte finally gets out, Henry tries to grab her hand to help her up. Charlotte picks up the gun to seemingly shoot Henry and Jasper. Henry smiles and laughs when Charlotte agrees that shes smarter than Schwoz. Please consider turning it on! henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous. Schowz doesn't believe her and says that this is not what he hears. Henry, Charlotte (and Jasper) play truth or 'flare' together. Charlotte insists that Henry does, in fact, get scared and joins Jasper and Ray in mocking the high-pitched sound that Henry makes when something startles him. When Charlotte tells Henry that the Language, Information, and Mathematics Program do call themselves L.I.M.P, they hug again. She helps Henry up after Ray throws him and her hand stays on his arm for a little while. Charlotte bought him a 'surprise' since he was grounded. He also knew that Charlotte was starting to get agitated by Babe's behavior as well. Henry is getting sick of it and wanted to take a break off but on one night, he and Ray take on one last fight before his break. Henry is amused that Ray is scared of losing the video game to Charlotte and teases him about it. Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. When Charlotte says no, he changes his answer to no as well. Henry and Charlotte argued slightly with each other about whether Jasper's new thing would be a bucket or not. Charlotte and Henry sit unnecessarily close together on the couch during the sack throwing contest. "What you do want Jake?" I asked, not really wanting to deal with him right now. Charlotte seemed annoyed every time Henry would repeat whatever was on the voicemail. Henry asked Charlotte if he could borrow her chemistry notes. (Fudge Blast from Yotally Togurt). with Ray when Henry said Veronika kissed him. Charlotte agrees with Ray that its hard to hear Henry freaking out about the bee, so she mutes the box volume. Charlotte controls Henry using the suits that Schwoz designed. When Henry tells Charlotte to leave the blown up man cave, Charlotte refuses and says "I am not leaving you! Charlotte looks sad and uncomfortable when Henry is yelling at everyone about the Man Cave being gone. Henry and Charlotte are studying together, They bicker about the fact that Henry wants to copy Charlottes homework, Charlotte only complains that Henry is copying her homework, she doesnt stop him though, Charlotte repeatedly tells Henry that she has to pee but says go to the bathroom to his family, Charlotte tries to leave to go to the bathroom because this is a family moment and Henrys family insists that she stay because she is part of the family, Henry also insists that Charlotte stays and affectionately says you just stay right here while putting his arm, Charlotte ducks away from Henrys arm and Henry touches his face awkwardly when his arm is left in the air, Charlotte tells Henry that shes going to pee in his backyard, Henry doesnt object to Charlotte peeing in his backyard, Charlotte peed in Henrys backyard, most likely while Henry was in the kitchen/living area which is not a lot of privacy given the windows, Henry is embarrassed when Jasper mentions growing old with Henry and the only other person with them is Charlotte, meaning he was embarrassed due to her presence while Jasper said that, Charlotte asks Henry if she should push the button and he tells her please, When Jasper and Ray freak out about Henry moving, Charlotte helps Henry try to reason with the guys by helping Henry explain that it isnt his choice, Henry and Charlotte both say the others name when they see each other in the Man Cave. henry danger fanfic by triles4life 94.9K 1.3K 24 Henry hart is a 17 years old boy trying to figure out how to balance his superhero job as kid danger with his Social life and it doesn't help that a new guy is flirting. the toddler turned ray seventeen again, and he cant handle his change in image. This is about Tessa and Will, with there children. Henry pulls the chair Charlotte is sitting on to the Room of Storage. Henry runs back to ask Charlotte if shes coming. Charlotte answers Henry's video chat request while she is brushing her teeth. Charlotte and Henry both put their hands near the button for similar reasons while the other characters all have very different reasons. Henry (and Ray) let the fire out from Charlotte's project. Henry is the one holding Charlotte's phone charger that she had asked Ray, Jasper and him to get. Henry and Charlotte were disgusted when Schwoz ate the bloody-nose hot dogs. He pulls Charlotte to sit down on the couch. Henry and Charlotte were both disgusted with how Jasper wanted some hair soup. Henry askes why Charlotte has to say no all the time. Charlotte appears to look mad at his response (assuming that when she does ask, he often says yes instead of no). Henry tends to confide in Charlotte. I'm turning every episode into a romance Henry and Charlotte are both unwilling to touch the Death snake and complain about it to Ray. Henry (and Ray and Schwoz) watch Charlotte while she's on her date. Charlotte walked over to Henry's side of the couch and sat where he was sitting. When Henry realized that Charlotte did not get in, he expressed his guilt about it. Henry asksto talk about Charlotte's dream with her later, after he saves her life. I sigh Charlotte stops wondering what it means to live a normal life, when the boy of her dreams sweeps her off he feet. Even though Henry rarely gets hurt, Charlotte often worries about him and is always warning him to be careful. Henry put his hands on her shoulders to try to calm her down. Henry (and Ray) was mad at Charlotte that she ended up recording herself and not him and Ray transforming to Kid Danger and Captain Man. Charlotte tries to stop Henry from breaking laws. After Ray says Do you love it?, Charlotte teases Henry by saying that she is currently loving it because she was enjoying seeing Rays cape getting blown in Henrys face. When Henry woke up, he was worried and upset when Schwoz said that he couldn't bring Charlotte back. Henry and Charlotte were dancing together in the car. When Henry and Ray were thinking about what Charlotte said, only Henry actually listened to her and told the Man Fans that he does not get involved in snack politics. Henry was biting his lower-lip while looking at Charlotte. Charlotte suggests an idea for Ray to make Henry laugh (which demonstrations that she knows what makes Henry laugh). Many girls have entered his life, and have all broken his heart in more way than one. Charlotte is seen being anxious to go save Henry (and Ray). Charlotte was really angry before Henry met up with her but as soon as he gets there she seems to be mostly calm. Four years ago, Henry and Charlotte were reckless with each other's hearts. Henry can't handle not being Charlotte's first choice. Many fans of the show believe that they could be potential love interests to each other. Henry was eager to give Charlotte a hint on her birthday present. Charlotte has a recurring dream where Henry saves her from a lion exhibit at the zoo, at the end of which they almost kiss. WESSA!! Charlotte and Henry hide in the elevator together to avoid Ray. Henry tells Charlotte that he really likes her brain, it's insane. Charlotte tells Henry to get his butt out of her room. Henry tells Charlotte that itll be fun if they all take the stairs. Henry said Charlotte's project was great and was interested in how it worked. Charlotte and Henry stand very close together at the beginning of the episode. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous Henry tries to comfort Charlotte multiple times by saying things like "that was just a dream Charlotte", "dreams are weird", "You're fine, we aren't kissing". Henry helps to protect his town of Swellview "How could you keep this from me all this years"he shouted. Chenry is the friendship/romantic pairing between Henry Hart and Charlotte Page. Henry tells Charlotte that shes going to love what they did. He awards her with the pine cones for finding the job opening, which she seems pleased with. Henry is usually the only character shown to worry about Charlotte's well being, Charlotte is also known to worry about Henry. Charlotte is really happy that Henry is indestructible and they both hug. Henry and Charlotte spent the whole night together trick or treating with Piper, and going to the Man-Cave after being called by Ray. Henry and Charlotte are arrested and thrown in jail, along with Captain Man, Jasper, and a bald cellmate. They have an affectionate friendship and can be seen hugging in numerous episodes. Henry sits close beside Charlotte and they write Ray's Rumblr profile together. Henry is about to yell at Ray, Charlotte interrupts and says "let me". Henry and Jasper overhear Charlotte admit she dreamt about kissing a coworker. Charlotte hurries to the door to let Henry out after he's been stung. When Ray jumped out of the car, Henry and Charlotte were trying to steer the car. Charlotte says how he thinks he's so cute. Henry looks back at Charlotte and Jasper while Ms. Shapen harasses him about Noelle. She agrees with Henry that money is good. The stockings in the Man Cave are hung in pairs and Charlottes and Henrys are side by side. Henry and Charlotte smiled at each other and ate corn dogs. When Henry thanks the gang for relocating his buttock, Charlotte smiles at him. The episode ends with a close up of Henry and Charlotte from when they were young and they're smiling, Henry says "we're all cute" which included Charlotte, Charlotte agrees with him implying she also thinks he's cute. When Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper are all flung off of the spinning couch in the Man Cave, Henry and Charlotte end up landing in a cuddling position. Charlotte tricks Henry (and Jasper) into thinking something cool is behind the massage chair in order to get her chance to sit in it. "Why can't Jasper or Schwoz help you?" Ray was glaring at the two of them with his arms crossed in the back room. Charlotte said Henry was a million times smarter than Mitch. Henry falls on/near Charlotte when the Cave blows up for the second time. When Ray is sitting at the monitors telling what happened before he ate the muffins, Henry has his arm around Charlotte's shoulders the whole time and he really didn't need to. Literally. When Charlotte iswith Piper they both wish they were with Henry. Charlotte was mainly concerned about the state of Henry as a man-beast. In the Man Cave, she grabs Henry's wrist and slaps him twice with his own hand. Charlotte plays along with Henry's lie by helping him come up with an explanation as to how Ray saved them. Charlotte glares at Henry (and Ray) after Bysh is arrested. Neither Charlotte nor Henry wants to hear who was in detention with Jasper. While Henry, Ray, and Charlotte are arguing with each other, it seems that Henry and Charlotte are on the same side of the argument. "Anything. " When Charlotte hugged him, she said, "That's my baby, that's nice.". Charlotte asked Henry how his butt was feeling. Henry was standing right in front of Charlotte when he addressed everyone as his little cuties (because he was trying to rhyme). Henry questions what got Charlotte sick and sounds protective of her when he asks Jasper "what kind of meat did you buy?! Henry and Ray caught Charlotte after she faints. After a new year's party at the Willard Mansion, Bose and Mika have a moment together, * It's very important to read the first book before this one. Henry helps Charlotte up after she was hit with the basketball. Henry puts his hand on Charlottes back as the run to the elevator the second time. Henry had his hands on Charlotte's shoulders as they took her into the van while signing Happy Birthday. When Jasper, Henry, and Charlotte walked out of the elevator, Henry looked back at Charlotte. Charlotte was starting to worry about Ray and Henry and asks Schwoz if he had heard from them, Henry asks why Charlotte is so smart all the time, Henry and Charlotte both tell Ray and Schwoz that Avocado Day is St. Patricks Day, Henry says Aw, tough break Char when Ray says hes going to take the cost of the ad off of her paycheck, Charlotte blow-dries the glitter from Henry (and Rays) hair, Henry asks Ray what Charlottes deal is when she walks off annoyed and then he asks whos going to get the glitter out of their hair, Charlotte tries to play along with Henrys lie, Henry calls Charlotte a really bad liar but not in a mean way, Charlotte and Henry both bend down in front of Ray when he falls over and they are very close to each other, Henry and Charlotte bicker about who lost Ray and they sound like a married couple, Charlotte suggests they blame Jasper for losing Ray so that her and Henry dont have to bicker anymore, Henry is very enthusiastic about Charlottes idea to blame Jasper, Charlotte gets mad and starts to argue with Schwoz when she finds out that Henry could have died being shrunk down, Henry asks if everything is okay when Charlotte argues with Schwoz, Charlotte doesnt want to freak Henry out so she tries to lie by saying no one is surprised you didnt die, Charlotte reassures Henry that he should have plenty of time to get out, Charlotte scolds Schwoz when he stresses Henry out by saying that as long as nothing goes wrong theyll be fine, Charlotte tackles Ray and tells him to stop moving because hes going to kill Henry and Piper, Charlotte and Henry are sitting close beside each other on the couch, Henry wants to listen to the Piper from the future but Ray doesnt believe her so Charlotte helps Henry convince Ray, It is repeated multiple times that Henry only has two friends, one of which being Charlotte. Charlotte smiles and stares at Henry when he stops and turns around at his front door. Henry and Charlotte both dont like that Ray makes grand openings all about himself. Henry glanced at Charlotte a lot when she wasn't really paying attention. Charlotte and Henry are playing a video game together at the beginning of the episode. Disclaimer: When Ray starts yelling during Charlotte and Henrys phone call Henry says Im on the phone!. Charlotte is concerned when she sees Ray and Henry playing with the alien eggs. Schowz tells to Charlotte that a bunch of people wondering if her and Henry are dating. Charlotte laughs at Henry when he tries to fly and ends up falling on his face instead. Both have gained powers and lost them within one or two episodes, Charlotte's being super strength and Henry's being indestructibility. The gang must now come up with a way to save her before it's too late. A oneshot book about my favorite TV show!! Henry risked being seen with his Kid Danger equipment to help Charlotte out by opening her locker. Kid Danger/Henry kept coming up to Charlotte to ask for advice on his problems. Charlotte is able to tell that Henry is having a hard time staying on the video call so she blows the candle out for him and says bye so that he can hang up. (See, Henry agreed to help Charlotte with her science project at his house, Henry was worrying a lot because he knew Charlotte was mad at him, When Ray said that Charlotte doesn't get angry, Henry knew Ray was wrong so he made a strange face at him, Charlotte leaves Henry an angry voicemail asking where he is, Henry encourages everyone to get going so that he can meet Charlotte, Henry is clearly stressed when he gets the angry voicemail from Charlotte, Henry runs out of Junk N Stuff to go meet Charlotte, Charlotte was in Henry's kitchen without him or Piper being home, When Henry finally arrived at his house to meet Charlotte, he was very apologetic about being late and told her the reason (without lying like he sometimes might). Henry notices that Charlotte is eating Rays salad. Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. In Dystopia, Henry says 'this one is going to hurt' and then asks Charlotte if she's heading back to base which implies he was worried for her safety, Charlotte replies to Henry's worry by telling him to head back to base himself. Henry tells Jasper how he bets she would love a belt. He pulls her farther away from Piper so she can't hear. At the end of the episode, Henry and Charlotte are acting like Rays parents because Henry is about to stop Ray from hurting himself and Charlotte tells Henry to just let Ray get hurt so that hell learn. Bianca asked Charlotte if Henry came with her to. Henry asks if he should follow Ray and Charlotte replies, We should all follow him. all trigger warnings do apply! Henry quickly responded to Charlotte when she screamed for him to come down stairs again. Charlotte tells Henry to brush his teeth and he. When Charlotte asks if Henry thinks she doesnt help fight crime, Henry puts his hand on her shoulder and reluctantly says, of course, she helps but he and Ray got torched today. Charlotte and Henry both said 'Let's go ask him' and 'Jinx! Charlotte is the first to approve of Henry's idea for Ray to eat the bomb. Henry starts to freak out as soon as Charlotte says she's going to Dystopia, he calls it a 'crime-ridden toilet', says it's on the other side of the worldand asks if she even speaks Dystopian, he was clearly worried for her and doesn't want her living so far away. At the beginning of the episode Henry is about to kill Otto but Charlotte slaps his hand, ruining his aim of his laser, later in the episode Ray suggests they kill the old bird once they've replaced him and Henry is quick to tell Ray that he doesn't want to kill the old bird (likely only caring because he realizes it upsets Charlotte). The old woman at Junk NStuff asks if Charlotte is sure that she doesn't like Henry "because he is one sweet piece of candy"and Charlotte just asks her to leave without answering her. When Charlotte tells Henry she got in for the second time, he says he is proud of her and hugs her. Henry took Charlotte's can of Frittles chips. When Charlotte decided to start over in New York City, she expected a challenge but she didn't expect this. Charlotte pulled aside Henry and asked him what was going on. Henry bent down to tell her what was happening. Henry questions why Ray is insisting on ignoring Charlotte throughout the episode. WARNING: read at your own risk!! While Charlotte was wondering what was going on, Henry pulled Charlotte over the counter. Charlotte didn't want to hurt him, even if it wasnt the real Henry. Charlotte is excited to see Henry (and Ray) on TV. During the day at school I get random ideas of a Henry danger b Henry has anger issues, when he meets his new roommate he realises she is what keeps him sane. Henry goes to stand up and object twice and both times Charlotte puts her hand on his shoulder and shushes him. When Henry and Charlotte greet each other at the start of the episode, they refer to one another as 'Hen' and 'Char'. Henry goes a whole day of getting stung by hornets, scared by Piper, hit with an avocado, and shot in the eye, so Charlotte could get into L.I.M.P. When Charlotte is hit by the basketball, Henry comes to help her worried and asks her: "You okay?". When Charlotte tries to get up after being hit by a Frisbee, she looks angrily at Henry for not caring if she was alright. The first letter isn't even capitalised! Henry is really worried when Charlotte is hit by the basketball. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous. When Henry put Charlotte down, his hands were still on her waist, and he was smiling down at her. (Note: I was inspired by a story called Just Trust Me.). After Henry startles Charlotte he puts his hand out to help her up. Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper all become superheros in Dystopia. Henry and Charlotte start bickering again when they get off the elevator; Ray appears amused by them. When they both got back to their universe, they looked at each other in relief. Then later, he apologized. Charlotte looked embarrassed when Henry called her sweater 'disgusting'. Henry puts his arm around Charlotte and tells her that it isn't her invention. In Tears of the Jolly Beetle, he, Henry, and Charlotte used various methods to check if Ray lost his indestructibility, which turned out to be true. Kid Danger worked along side captain man, but what happ "Can I be honest about something?" Charlotte asks Henry to do something about the dying trees and he ends up agreeing.
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