Professor Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme is an Associate Professor at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Policies also impact resource allocation to support delivery of healthcare. However, nurses need support in order to effect change. (2013). Policy Polit Nurs Pract. Based on this typology, the authors classified citizens into six different groups on the basis of the types of political activities they undertook. Locally, nurses can become politically active by assuming leadership positions in the healthcare system or contacting elected officials about legislation affecting the industry. One key objective of this study was to determine the extent to which nurses in Ghana are involved in political activities. We are the largest medical profession, so we can do it. #1: Public policies can create, regulate, and maintain public goods that foster supportive environments for good health. Again, nurses tendency to be passive in political participation is evident here. Nursing: Immunity and the Environment Course is organized by Hawaii Nurses Continuing Education (HNCE) and will be held on Nov 04, 2020. . Running for office matters. Nursing schools need to include healthcare policy education as part of the curriculum, as well as encourage some level of political involvement from nursing students. Sigma offers grant and scholarship opportunities to help active students fund their nursing education. Politics and nurses both play a critical role in our daily lives, even in ways we were not aware. :10.4172/2471-9846.1000142, Avolio, C. D. (2014). Source: ; John D. Scott, MD, MSc, FIDSA, Nurse Participation in Political Activities, Substance Use Disorders and Related Concerns, The 200th Birthday of Florence Nightingale, Gaul, Higbee, Taylor, Ensign, Monson & Price on Nursing Education and Crisis in Competency, Parast and Heshka on Past, Present, and Future, Fogg-Martin on Calling Nursing Informatics Leaders", Jean-Gilles on An Historical View of Nursing and Polio, Pattishall on Informatics: Protect Yourself and the Nursing Profession from Predatory Journals, Murry, Joshi, & Dolma on Delivering Nursing Care", Baiza and Francis on Exploring Race in Nursing", ORourke, Crawford, Morris, & Pulcini, 2017, Vandenhouten, Malakar, Kubsch, Block, & Gallagher-Lepak, 2011, Ahoya, Abhichartibuttra, & Wichaikhum, 2016, International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2019,,,,, The State of Play: Healthcare Reform in 2017. Questionnaires were marked as entered to avoid duplicate entries. Compassion. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Mentoring nurses in political skill to navigate organizational politics. However, nurses who were on leave, or who had retired by the time the data were collected, were excluded from the final sample. The section on political participation contained an adapted version of the Political Astuteness Inventory (PAI) developed by P. E. Clark (2008) and used with permission. I agree this is a huge problem due to lack of knowledge on politics and the effects it has on speaking up for what is right in healthcare for a better outcome. There is consensus among nursing scholars, particularly those active in policy, politics, and nursing practice, that nurses need to be politically active (Avolio, 2014; Juma, Edwards, & Spitzer, 2014; Kelly, 2007; Montalvo & Byrne, 2016; ORourke, Crawford, Morris, & Pulcini, 2017; Primomo & Bjorling, 2013; Vandenhouten, Malakar, Kubsch, Block, & Gallagher-Lepak, 2011). I persevered through nursing school, despite the 20-hour days with clinical rounds in the early morning, lectures in the afternoon and care plans & papers until early morning hours. Download. Going, going, gone: nurses in policy-making positions at WHO. As a healthcare professional it is essential that you stay up to date with what is happening in Washington, as decisions made at governmental level impact upon the very way that we practice our professions. #No.1 Nursing Educational Information Website in Nigeria, met for the dissemination of nursing and health related information to the concerned profession. Nurses and nursing students can be mindful of the policy development issues that affect their practice and patient care. Nursing Research and Practice, 2016, 18. :10.1177/1527154413489887, Montalvo, W., & Byrne, M. W. (2016). There are several reasons for the limited nursing participation in policy and politics. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Reference Welliver, M. (2021, March 10). RELEASED OF RESULT FOR THE PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATIO JAMB 2019/2020 REGISTRATION FORM AND EXAMINATION D #SHOCKING: Pastor Adeboye Asks Members To Donate N1 Billion: See How Freeze, Davido, Jude Okoye React (Video), SHORT VIDEO CLIP OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM WITH FULL AND CLEAR EXPLANATION, HISTORY OF CHILDREN DAY IN NIGERIA, reasons behind the celebration. And for physicians, physical therapists, radiologists and other healthcare providers, we're singing the same song. This approach was necessary to ensure a fair distribution of participants across the different study sites. Political participation of registered nurses. The nursing profession has significant power to profoundly impact healthcare policy on a global scale. Yes, it is not a mistake, though it is shocking and accidental.You got it right, 1 billion Naira! Furthermore, today's nurses are younger, more educated, and more diverse. Mr. Fuseini Abdul Ganiyuis is a Registered Nurse with a Master of Philosophy in Nursing Degree from the University of Ghana and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University for Development Studies, Ghana. That might be when nursing staff are forced to decide who to discharge, because so many people are waiting for beds with so few staff to care for them. Detailed results are presented in Table 5. Nursing leadership in addressing the social determinants of health. It is a matter of Profit over People due to the FOR PROFIT status of the industry due to Nixon. plasma or erythrocytes into venous circulation. Richard Nixon made healthcare a for profit instead of a service industry. Tamale is located in the Northern region of Ghana, in the Kingdom of Dagbong. Other large groups of people living here include the Dagarbas, Mamprusis, and Akans. Oestberg, Fredrik MSN, RN Getting involved in policy and politics, Nursing Critical Care: May 2013 - Volume 8 - Issue 3 - p . Nursing needs policy, it provides the context to nurses' practice, roles, and knowledge and frames patients' day-to-day lives. Whitehead (2010) argues that influencing health policy through political involvement amounts to population-level health promotion. He is the blogger behind the award-winning blog, Digital Doorway and a widely read freelance nurse writer. When nurses join these organizations, they analyze problems to [] Key Words: Political participation, Political Astuteness Inventory, political activities, politics, policy, nurses, Ghana. With the use of health policy examples, the implications for nursing are explained and ideas on how policy is implemented in practice set . BMC Nursing, 13(1), 1. : 10.1186/1472-6955-13-20, Vandenhouten, C. L., Malakar, C. L., Kubsch, S., Block, D. E., & Gallagher-Lepak, S. (2011). Political Astuteness Inventory. Imagine youre on, Jeri Milstead is inducted into the ANA Hall of Fame.. Welliver, M. (2021, March 10). Nurses can also write their state representatives regarding healthcare policy. Govt. Get help with homework questions from verified tutors 24/7 on demand. 2016;7(1): s1-s92. Study findings suggested that nurses are generally very active in registering to vote, voting, and registering to be a member of a professional nursing organization; however, they often do not participate in other forms of political activities. If one peer or group of nurses begin to do this and see change, then it can inspire more nurses to step forward and express their opinions and issues about policy changes in healthcare. This article reports findings from a survey of registered nurses in three hospitals and two nursing training schools in Tamale, Ghana. The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and Practice (NACNEP) has recommended that by 2010 at least two-thirds of all registered nurses hold baccalaureate or higher degrees. Or the Senate? This bill included record investments in the nursing workforce. Mr. Afizu Alhassan holds a Master of Nursing Degree from the University of Cape Coast in Ghana and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University for Development Studies, also in Ghana. : 10.1177/1527154413485901, Shariff, N. (2014). This was not the case for me while in school. He has mentored and supervised students in nursing and in the health and has published many articles and authored four books. When state legislatures anywhere in the United States are in session, you can be certain that the Nurse Practice Act will come up for review and renewal in some states. Note: The values in this table represent multiple responses from participants. Many nursing scholars, professional nursing organizations, and other health-focused organizations, expect and encourage nurses to engage in socio-political activities. [.] This section will describe the characteristics of the respondents, report nurses' levels of political participation and present the political practices of the nurses. I have learned to become more involved and how to have a voice with policies at my hospital even if it is on a smaller level. On March 12, 2021, President Biden signed into law the major COVID relief package passed by Congress. Who started this race to see who could make the most money at the expense of each American patient? Buchan J, Twigg D, Dussault G, Duffield C, Stone PW. As Oestberg states, As nurses, we need to think of policy as something we can influence, not just something that happens to us.. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21 (IBM, 2015). The summation and levels of the PAI used in this study included: (a) totally politically unaware (0-8 points); (b) slightly aware of the implications of political activity for nursing (9-17 points); (c) shows a beginning political awareness (18-26 points); and (d) politically astute and an asset to the profession (27-35 points). For more information please follow the below link: Demonstrate implementation in the appropriate arena or area of practice Include a plan for sustainability (e.g. 2015. Proposing new policies based on needs encountered in day-to-day practice; Meeting with policymakers, administrators and lobbyists to provide clinical insight into policy proposals; Developing Skills to Include Health Policy. J Nurs Regulation. Nursing as a profession has arrived at a prestigious . The emotional and physical demands of caring for others place another burden on nurses. - potential-impact-policy-politics/ End of preview. When healthcare reform is under attack, healthcare becomes political. The aging of nursing faculty will impact the capacity of nursing schools to educate sufficient numbers of registered nurses to meet future demand. This limited participation does not augur well for the nursing profession because, as noted earlier, limited participation in political activities fails to give nurses the needed leverage to lobby for better policies and programs for the profession. In fact, it is the moral and professional obligation of nurses to be engaged in legislation that impacts their patients. The town is located 600 kilometers north of Accra, the capital of Ghana. Statistics describing the categories of nurses levels of political astuteness are presented in Table 2. The numerous clinical trials required for approval can take decades and cost up to one billion dollars. We live in a highly politicized time in the American national conversation, and nursing and healthcare are not immune from this phenomenon. These organizations often have lobbyists that bring nursing issues to Capitol Hill. IFES Election Guide: Country of Ghana. As such, they are witnesses to inadequacies and inequalities within the healthcare delivery system and have first-hand knowledge that can lend expertise to discussions on health policies. Health Promotion International, 26(1), 117-127. doi:10.1093/heapro/dag073. ANA exists to champion the nursing profession, and the essential role nurses play in improving health and health care for all. This is probably because gaining membership of the GRNMA is a very passive endeavor. Epub 2008 May 30. 9. New Legislation Affecting Nurses That You Need To Know by Aimee Laurence. These findings are similar to those of Avolio (2014) who studied the beliefs and practices of registered nurses in Canada with regards to political advocacy, and reported that 78% of nurses surveyed either agreed or strongly agreed that it is important for nurses to be politically active, and 76% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that politics is a concern of nurses. The first opportunity that exists is nursing associations or organizations. Consistent with the present study, Avolio (2014), in a study of Canadian nurses, reported that only 11.4% of nurses in her study had ever written a letter about health or a nursing issue for publication in a newspaper. The nursing profession's potential impact on policy and politics. Scholars have presented various reasons as to why the call for nurses to be politically active is ethical and the right thing to do. This situation is not peculiar to Ghana. Calling your legislator about an issue you feel passionate about certainly matters. The independent samples t-test was conducted to determine differences in the level of political participation based on gender and practice area, while the one-way ANOVA was used to determine differences in political participation based on age and academic qualification. (2005). As such, nurses have the potential to p Nurses are the largest group of professionals in the health sector. This frustration often leads to negativity, disillusionment, bitterness, and burn-out. Secondary reasons for my decision to pursue nursing include traveling the world, enjoying the respect bestowed upon the nursing profession, and . 10 Interesting Facts About Registered Nurses You Must Know. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 18(3), 135148. There are some conferences happening in which medical specialty would be Nursing and here is one of those conferences the conference details are given below. The nursing professions potential impact on policy and politics, are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of the American Nurses Association, the Editorial Advisory Board members, or the Publisher, Editors and staff of. On the local or state level, nurses can choose to run for school board, city council, mayor or any number of important positions. : 10.1177/1527154411425189, Whitehead, D. (2010). This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. This article defines what is meant by policy and what influences its development. 2009 Aug;46(8):1134-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2009.01.014. but the profession has not yet realized its 'potential to pro-foundly inuence policy and politics on a global scale' even though it is the 'moral and professional obligation of nurses to be engaged in legislation that impacts their patients' (Rakow 2016). But , organizational culture is very important. In sum, healthcare is undoubtedly political, and what you do in response to the issues you care about means something. She abruptly pivoted, joining the core of Johns Hopkins Medicine's pandemic response as an operations chief of its . When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. Nurse managers, once called head nurses, traditionally supervise nursing staff in a single unit or whole department, oversee personnel and budgeting practices, and ensure communication between the staff and middle-upper management. ISSN: 1091-3734 American Nurses Association - 8515 Georgia Avenue - Suite 400 - Silver Spring, MD 20910, Michael Wombeogo, PhD, DLITT ET PHIL; MA, HPE; MA, DS; MSc, PH; BA, Nur & Psy; SRN, David C. Benton PhD, RGN, FRCN, FAAN; Deborah E. Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN; Maureen Swick, RN, MSN, PhD, NEA-BC, Judy Gregg, DNP, RN; Julie Miller, MSN, RN ; Kathleen F. Tennant, PhD, APN, RN, Joelle T. Fathi, DNP, MN, BSN, RN, ANP-BC; Hannah E. Modin, MHA, B.A. He is currently a Senior Nursing Tutor with the Ghana Ministry of Health and the General Secretary of Nurse Educators Group, Ghana. Is there a nurse in the House? However, when we compare these findings to the findings that were obtained from an analysis of common political practices of nurses, there was a difference. He served as the national president of the Ghana Nurse and Midwife Trainees Association during his student days at the Nurses Training College, Tamale. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. J Nurs Manag. . Total Population by Country 2019. Dr. Wombeogo lectures in various nursing and health-related courses, at the Schools of Allied Health Sciences and Medicine and Health Sciences, of UDS. Impact of advocacy initiatives on nurses' motivation to sustain momentum in public advocacy. He has also served on numerous university boards and committees. Marquis BL, Huston CJ. The role of health care coverage is . Another barrier is the limited formal health care policy education in nursing (Welliver, 2021). Only 30% and 45% of participants in studies by Vandenhouten et al. He serves as an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Nursing, School of Allied Health, University for Development Studies, where he also doubles as the examination officer for the department. And something as simple as exercising the right to vote can impact healthcare policy. political awareness in order to advance the profession of nursing (Hearrell, 2011). Cramer (2002) noted a decline in the membership of the American Nurses Association from as high as 55% of all employed registered nurses in 1948 to only 8% in 2002. Abstract. I do agree that many nurses become frustrated with the policies that they have to follow which can lead to burnout, which ultimately leads to a shortage of nurses. Additionally, the two training schools did not have institutional review boards, but their academic boards reviewed the proposal and gave verbal approval to conduct the study. Nurses were generally not likely to actively support a candidate for elections. During his time at the Tamale Teaching Hospital, he was deputy secretary for the local chapter of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association. He has supervised numerous research projects at the undergraduate, post-graduate, and doctoral levels, and provided supervisory guidance for the study reported in this article, from the conceptual stages to its very final stages. The majority of respondents (91.1%) were registered members of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA), but only a few took part in meetings and programs of the association. NEW YEARS ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA STUDENT NURSES AND MIDWIVES (NANSNM). Meeting the policy agenda, part 1: the role of the modern district nurse. government site. Nurses are actively involved in health care research, management, policy deliberations, and patient advocacy. In other words, they were in the category of low and very low levels of political participation. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies OB/GYN Conference Survival Skills for Todays Gynecologist is organized by World Class CME and will be held from Apr 12 14, 2019 at The Westin New York at Times Square, New York, USA. The nursing profession's potential impact on policy and politics. In an age when more women and people of color are running for office, perhaps it's also time for nurses to step into their own power and run for something they believe in. These percentages are generally higher than the average voter turnout in national elections in Ghana, which is estimated at 71.35% (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2019). I did all of that in order to help people, to truly contribute to the greater good making life better for patients. He is currently a Senior Nursing Tutor with the Ghana Ministry of Health and the General Secretary of Nurse Educators’ Group, Ghana. 2) stated, "lack of awareness, inadequate skills, little opportunity for involvement limited formal health care policy education in nursing time and resource are further obstacles to the nursing profession's participation in politics." With nursing being one of the largest medical professions in the world, we should be leading . Keywords: All of these findings clearly indicate that nurses are generally very interested in voting as a political activity. The target audience for this medical event is OB-GYN physicians. The one-way ANOVA was conducted to determine the association between age, academic qualification, and political participation. The nursing profession's potential impact on policy and politics. A Closer Look. Changes in political astuteness following nurse legislative day. Thank you for sharing your perspective on the many ways nurses can affect policies and politics. With the patient # assignments and documentation mandates ever increasing, I left the hospital setting for a career in clinical research. From apathy to political activism. This is an opportunity to recognise their safety critical role, to address the workforce crisis and to make nursing a career of choice once again. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the mean scores of political participation between nurse educators and clinical nurses (p = .140).
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