What is the ending of the story the enemy? Explanation of the above passage: Sadao commented that if the man was not operated upon, he would die. This warm attitude of Sadao and Hana gave him so much relief that he did not want to leave their house. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Sadao confirmed her question. On it he placed a pocketknife, a small hatchet, a tin cup, two changes of clothes, a few candles, and some matches. Sadao said that the man had to be washed. Word Meaning: Battered: torn and worn out. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Doctors are taught to save lives of people and I think he was right at his place for what he did. A. Sadao and Hana had treated the American man with a lot of kindness and warmth. Repulsive: awful, terrible Passage: He will die unless he is operated on, Sadao said, considering. It was not sentimental liking of the prisoner. But certainly I do not want this man to live, he thought. So, the foreign elements to which the general is referring is the harsh nature of a German and the emotional nature of an American. Conviction: firm belief Incisions: surgical cuts He acts instinctively and intuitively, caring only about the viscera, the bullet, and the bodyhe isn't deterred by the fact that the boy he is working on is "supposed" to be his enemy. What is the summary of the story the enemy? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The white man ought to die. The Enemy Above by Michael p. Spradlin is about a group of Jews that wen into hiding and they get caught and his grandma bubbe and a women with her child gets caught so Anton has to save them. Explanation of the above passage: Hana heard the loud crash and asked what it was. There was several parts where I thought Anton and Bubbe were four sure gonna be captured or something and they didn't. I have been around a long time, she would say, but I am wiser and smarter than all of you. His grandmother had worked hard all of her life. They hide in tunnels underground that are very well hidden that the Nazis will never find them but then, one day they get attacked with smoke bombs. Though she was so modern, still she did not eat with him. At once Yumi left the room. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao agreed that the idea seemed natural. She saw hurt in his eyes but she did not wish to assuage it. I? she repeated blankly. As the days were unusually warm and the sea waves were cold, the nights became foggy. He added that it was good that she came as the man had started to gain consciousness and it was important to sedate him. Sadao hated her so much that her kindness also did not make him like her. Why are we different from other Japanese?. the small sac-shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine. Knelt: sat on her knees. Romulans. Not affiliated with Harvard College. I liked how in the end they get away from the germans and live. Explanation of the above passage: Hana was inquisitive as she asked about the mans identity. If I hadnt meta Jap like you well, I wouldnt be alive today. This book was actually written for 4th grade reading level so thats probably the reason I found it so bad. Still, she asked Yumi to get hot water into the room where the injured man was kept. One day Sadao and his wife, Hana, encounter a strange man on the seashore. Or Anton would go find him. How I miss you every day! The general replied that he did not trust anyone else other than Sadao. The theme of Charlie Higson's book The Enemy is to remain calm in the face of danger. The fishermen had gone home and even the chance beachcombers would have considered the day at an end. He is unable to throw him back though he was his enemy as he was a doctor and his first duty was to save a life. And Anton knew Dmitri worried all the time. That signaled the end of any discussion. Sulphur: a chemical element used as a disinfectant Passage: The General shook his head. Sadao replied that he appeared to be an American. The heartbeat was unsteady due to excitement as he was about to leave their home. Why did the General overlook the matter of the enemy soldier? Let's get my complaint about this book out of the way first. The general was surprised and said that as he was suffering due to bad health, he had forgotten all about the promise that he had made. He had had great difficulty in finding a place to live in America because he was a Japanese. He had been about to come in when she called. Tomorrow you may try it twice as long. I guess if all the Japs were like you there wouldnt have been a war.. They had operated upon his gall bladder. Then the next part in my opinion is the most intense part and its when Anton and Bubbe go into the forest and hide behind a tree right when a bunch of german soldiers walks by. After all, if the servants should report something that was not as it happened? He imagined hearing the sound of footsteps, branches being broken, stones moving as men walked on them and imagined that he heard such a noise which indicated that some men were carrying the Americans dead body. "The Enemy Themes". Explanation of the above passage: Sadao thought about Hana and said that that would be very good. Major Karl Von Duesen is running the jews out of their homes. Sadao slept a little better, but he woke at the sound of a crash and leaped to his feet. His father had taken him often to the islands of those seas, and never had he failed to say to the little brave boy at his side, Those islands yonder, they are the steppingstones to the future for Japan.. Passage: But the next morning the American was still there. Rose: stood up I thought they had come to arrest you, she said. The last stitches had been pulled out this morning, and the young man would, in a fortnight be nearly as well as ever. Fluttered: trembled. Strewed: to be scattered untidily over a place or area Bubbe, Anton whispered. All the gossip said the Polish army had been crushed by the Germans first attacks, but perhaps some of the fighters had survived? She turned to the nursery and called, Yumi!. "Dad," I said, "it's sure nice having a new friend in the neighborhood.". Did you wash him then? Sadao asked, not stopping for a moment his swift concise movements. He planned that he would not tell Hana anything about this plan. The young man agreed with him and said okay. Sadao was engrossed in work and did not seem to hear Hana. He added that was a good thing. Unaccustomed labour: not used to perform hard work Books for Young Kids But, at the same time, he is a doctor and cannot let the American bleed to death. The mans skin, though rough with exposure, was of a fine texture and must have been very blond when he was a child. The house had a low height and was made of stone. All Americans are my enemy. His father would never havereceived her unless she had been pure in her race. He said that that day the man could get up and stand on his feet. Was he even still alive? They came like flickers of rumour, told by word of mouth and always contradicted. War is always a dangerous time. Then the Germans discover the cave and take Bubbe as a prisoner. They saw the face. Passage: You are a good man, the General murmured and closed his eyes. You will be rewarded.. I know if that was my fear, I wouldn't want to be a character in the Realistic Fiction novel The Enemy Above By Michael P. Spradlin, a book told from the perspectives of a young Jewish child, named Anton, and the gestapo officer trying to hunt Anton's family (and many other families) hiding spot down. Passage: Certainly it would be very natural, Sadao agreed. He had been living there since his childhood. Thump. At that time, he would go back into the house, to his wife, Hana who was waiting for him along with their two children. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. I am not doing this for my own pleasure. She added that they must consider their childrens future and Sadaos position. Explanation of the above passage: When Hana met the injured man for the first time she saw that the man was gathering strength and he was full of fear. So, either ways he would die. I really liked this book because of how descriptive it was during suspenseful moments. The mists screened them now completely, and at this time of day no one came by. Passage:He is wounded, Sadao exclaimed. Then Anton decides to go after the Germans to save Bubbe so he thrown rocks to distract the Germans and then he rescues Bubbe. It deals with the universal human values which must take precedence over narrow considerations like nationalism. Quickly, Bubbe urged. Infact, it is so left open every night.. They were perfectly happy. The blood had already soaked through the packing in the mans wound and had ruined the mat under him. He looked up and saw her face the colour of sulphur. Are you going to hand. Strain: stress. Where was Sadao? He completed examining the boy and then put the silk quilt on him. The Enemy summary will help you greatly in studying the chapter in detail. There is only one thing that is certain, Pavel would often say. Anton is a twelve year old boy that is very obeying and respectful.They were living a decent life until the Gestapo raided their village and they had to move to a cave far away which was a jewish hideout. Hitler wants our fields and farms to feed his massive army. Groan, he muttered, groan if you like. Well, well! the old man said in a tone of amazement, so I did! The mans lips were pressed together and his eyes were red in colour which seemed to be burning with fire. Sadao thought that it was enough for a person who had a desire to live. That night he slept. The Enemy gives the message that humanism transcends all man made prejudices and barriers. Compelled: forced His pulse was there although it was very weak. A war affects not only human beings but also animals and birds. Explanation of the above passage: Hana was so full of anger at the refusal by the maid, Yumi that without thinking, she opened the blanket in which the man was injured. But part of the secret recipe is spending an entire day playing with the enemy! Explanation of the above passage: A week ago, the general had been operated upon in an emergency in which Sadao took part. Moaned: a low cry in pain On the right side of his lower back Sadao saw that a gun wound had been reopened. Passage: The servants cannot understand that, she said anxiously. But Antons father had joined the fight anyway. She also said that Sadao and Hana had been in America for such a long time that they had forgotten their countrys priority. Hana did not like him at that moment also. Yes, it is ruined, Sadao replied, as though he did not care. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. I am very sorry.. To Zoom or Not to Zoom Is it Safe for Official meetings in 2020? Passage: No more anesthetic, he told Hana. The man had suffered severely at the hands of the Japanese army as he had been made a prisoner of war. Unconsciously this thought made him ruthless and he proceeded swiftly. He went to study in America and meets a Japanese girl, Hana, there. Explanation of the above passage: They were not able to gather the courage to throw him into the sea. If he had not gone there that night, he would not have met Hana. Ebbing: decreasing gradually He looked at Sadao with curiosity as he sought support from him. Gestapo officer Major Karl Von Duesen relentlessly pursues Antons family and the other Jews in Borshchiv, trying to make the town judenfrei, free of Jews. It is about a Japanese surgeon, Sadao. The unexpected warmth of the past few days had at night drawn heavy fog from the cold waves. Sadao replied that certainly he would do so and he did not think of doing anything else. Then Anton and Bubbe get to the hiding spot which is a cave and Dmitri is there and Anton meets Daniel. Word Meaning: His father would point towards the islands and would say that those were the stepping stones towards the future of Japan. Twig: branch of tree The night was cloudy and moonless, but he had felt exposed crossing the field. She said firmly that she had never washed an American man and that she would never wash one who was as dirty as that injured man. And everywhere they went, Jews were rounded up, put on trains, and never seen again. He was flung up out of the ocean flung, it seemed, to his feet by a breaker. They blasted their way across the continent to prove the dominance of the Third Reich. The gall bladder was much involved. It was very close to the kidney. He looked at the wound with the help of the bright surgeons light fixed on his forehead. On the twenty-first day of February an escaped prisoner was washed up on the shore in front of my house. So far he typed and then he opened a secret drawer of his desk and put the unfinished report into it. Weary: tired what is the theme of the enemy above. It was not that he cared for this young mans life. According to Reynolds, the song is "about reconciling internal conflict in a world where sometimes it feels impossible to trust even yourself." He added the song reflects Arcane 's story of conflict between two sisters, leading to a division that threatens to tear a city apart. Pavel would keep his head down, shoveling potatoes and bread into his mouth. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao suggested to the general that there were many other surgeons in Japan. an American. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in An Enemy of the People, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. She never mentioned her age and had forbidden anyone from speaking of it. sunset or sunrise. Everything! She did not wish to be left alone with the white man. After all, if the servants should report something that was not as it happened? A fire would be seen., Word Meaning: Explanation of the above passage: The American man shook hands with Sadao as he walked away towards the boat. The Enemy Above One of Mike's WWII Adventures Read an Excerpt In 1940's Ukraine Anton Schostak lives a simple life of a peasant farmer. Anatomy: the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts. I recommend this book 100%! Yes, undoubtedly that would be best, Hana said steadily. Passage:He refused to allow anything but reason to be the atmosphere of his mind as he went into the room where the American was in bed. Explanation of the above passage: Hana led the way as they walked fast towards the kitchen. Nobody lives on it because in storm it is submerged. Yes, there was still a pulse so faint, so feeble, but enough, if he wanted the man to live, to give hope. Word Meaning: Hana did not show her feelings to the servants, instead she remained calm and maintained her grace as the lady of the house. Assuage: decrease, reduce. what is the theme of the enemy above2022 honda pioneer 1000 specs. It was bad chance that the rockhad struck the wound. A. Hana firmly follows her husbands sense of duty although she knows that her husbands decision is being questioned by everyone. Post: pole She was wearing a dark blue colured gown over her dress. He did not stop his work and continued inspecting the wound. Hypodermic: needle, syringe, injection The fighting grows closer.. Explanation of the above passage: Hana asked Sadao that had he decided to operate the man. He thought that in this way, he would not be involved in the death of that American man. The ending of the story was peaceful yet full of apprehensions. Explanation of the above passage: Yumi resisted strongly. Explanation of the above passage: Hana entered the room and asked Sadao for the anaesthetic which she had to administer to the injured man. There were parts I wanted more and parts I wanted less, but overall, it is good and will give lots of kids a perspective on WWII and being Jewish. HE saves his grandma (bubbe)but the other die. In the spring when the rains came, they turned into a muddy morass that oxcarts and livestock became hopelessly mired in. Sadao and Hana might be devoted to their country and lacking in any real affection for Americans, who seem to have been consistently racist in their treatment of the Japanese living and studying among them (though they are not mentioned in this story at all, the Japanese internment camps come to mind), but they are still endowed with a higher level of compassion and ethics, and they know that their decision to save Tom's life even though he is their enemy is the right one, difficult though it may be. You could live there until you saw a Korean fishing boat pass by. Then putting down the needle, he took the mans wrist again. Let it be so, he agreed. Word Meaning: Eaves: part of the roof that meets or overhangs the wall of a building. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao went along with the messenger to visit the general, Passage:Of course, the General said weakly, I understandfully. It seemed unlikely. He said that Americans were their enemies. They might be the worst of all. Passage: They saw when they came toward him that indeed it was so. Flickering flames lit up the entire horizon. This part of the coast was not inhabited as it had dangerous rocks on it. But he did not answer. She realized that the servants were up to something. Explanation of the above passage: Hana was pondering over this possibility and as she was taking time to reply, Sadao left. Oh, how he is bleeding! Hana whispered again in a solemn voice. Soon there would be mist all around his house. Passage: Im not used to waiting for permission, Tom said gaily. Explanation of the above passage: The general was relaxed and said that Sadao was a good man. Passage: It would be best if he could be quietly killed, the General said. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao saw that his words brought a hint of terror and scare on the face of the young boy. Dont be afraid, she begged him softly. But to the east the Nazi war machine is headed toward Anton's peaceful existence. It's not like he does it once or twice a page, but almost every other paragraph contains at least two sentences written this way. Anton pictured a tiger, stalking them through the fields and forest. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao thought that perhaps the killers would come the next night. Passage: It wont bother me much, the young man said. The main character's name is Anton and he lives with his two uncles and his grandmother. Dont try to save him! He had planned that if the man was gone then he would tell Hana that the general had ordered for him to be removed from there. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao replied to the general that he did not care for the American man but as he had operated upon him successfully. He was very light, like a fowl that had been half-starved for a long time until it is only feathers and skeleton. The general felt sorry that he had been careless. The book opens with Anton; his brave grandmother, Bubbe; his uncle Pavel, who is like abrother to Anton, and his uncle Dmitri, who is constantly caught in the middle between his mother and Pavel, allhiding in aseries of underground caves. He forced the man down gently and strongly and examined the wound. She said that they would ask the servant to wash the injured man. He is Jewish and the Nazi's comb the countryside looking for Jews to make Ukraine Judenfreifree of Jews. Books for Teens It was soaked with the sea water. Also, the General was more concerned about his health than getting an enemy arrested. He added that the best surgeons had been trained by the Germans and for them the operation would be successful even if the general died. She paid the servants and thanked them for their services. He said that if his stock of food finished before he found a Korean fishing boat, he could signal him with two flashes of the torch at dusk time. Major Karl Von Dueson of the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, is convinced that he can advance his career by capturing as many Jews as possible. The writer says that the general had a strange sense of humour. What is the theme of the piece above? Now her body was bent and she moved slowly, partly because her bones ached and partly because of the darkness. He asked him to be careful not to signal when it was dark because light was more visible in the dark as compared to dusk. He added that the man should go to sleep. Word Meaning: The old gardener had worked with flowers all his life and specialized in moss. Passage: She turned to the nursery and called, Yumi!. He was checking if the man was still alive. Yes, Excellency, he escaped, Sadao now said. It is about a Japanese surgeon, Sadao. You will do what your master commands you!. Only the scars on his neck were red. Passage: The young man stared at him, slowly comprehending. For the bulk of the story, Sadao struggles to reconcile his duty as a surgeon, which goes directly against the grain of his duty as a loyal Japanese citizen. Explanation of the above passage: Hana said softly to the injured man that he should not be afraid. You say the man escaped? the General asked faintly. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao was very expressionless when he said that the boy did not need to thank him yet. They were crying, but she did not cry. We must go.. I guess if all the Japs were like you there wouldnt have been a war.. What is the ending of the chapter the enemy? I am not quite sure, he said, but for your sake I would be willing to try, Excellency.. She was shocked and horrified when she came to know that the servants were leaving. Word Meaning: Sadao said that he himself did not know what he should do with the boy. Privacy. You tell Yumi and I will tell the others. But the utter pallor of the mans unconscious face moved him first to stoop and feel his pulse. Instant PDF downloads. aloft sarasota airport shuttle; college hockey federation vs acha; chesmore funeral home Dusk: the time of sunset. He was young, his face had such marks which indicated that he had been tortured. I think that if it wasn't for Bubbe Anton wouldn't be alive throughout rest of book because she told him where to hide and where they wouldn't look. First he was shot. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. timothy o'donnell chubb. None I trust, the General replied. First he was shot. Passage:The young American, without a word, shook Sadaos hand warmly, and then walked quite well across the floor and down the step into the darkness of the garden. The old General is in pain again.. His terror infected her and she stood breathless, waiting. Explanation of the above passage: By the time Hana reached the room she saw that blood had flowed through the bandage on the mans wound and had stained the mat beneath him. Passage: When she came in the first time, she saw him summon his small strength to be prepared for some fearful thing. They swept into towns and villages and either killed all the Jews immediately, or sent them off to the camps. Sadao disliked the dirty old woman who finally agreed to let him live in her home which was in a bad condition. To the Chinese, the region is simply known as the Northeast. Manchuria is made up of Chinas three north-eastern most provinces:Liaoning,Jilin, andHeilongjiang. The door to his room burst open. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao went back home and on the way he kept on thinking of the plan that he had made along with the general. One day a prisoner of war appears at the shore near Dr. Sadaos house wounded and Dr. Sadao and his wife Hana move over their feelings of hatred towards him and they treat him until he is capable of taking care of himself.
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