Ask students to investigate how the places supplied by Hoover Dam have grown since 1935. This lesson is one in a series that brings the important stories of historic places into classrooms across the country. 4. Look carefully at the cut-away view. How much protection do you think it offered against rock falling down from above? At flood time, if the lake rises high enough to reach the spillways, it can be turned out through these original tunnels. Some security procedures and systems, designed to deter, detect, and defend the facility were visible; however, much of the security activity is hidden. Full (?) But the wellspring of Lake Mead, created by the dams blocking of the Colorado River and with the capacity to hold enough water to cover the entire state of Connecticut 10ft deep, has now plummeted to an historic low. How are they different? (The pipes are still there, buried in the concrete.) However, it took six more years before Congress passed the Boulder Canyon Project Act. It supplies water to irrigation projects in California and Arizona. Due to its peculiar structure, it caused a rare phenomenon. All visitors, or anyone doing business at the dam, are required to pass through magnetometers and X-ray screening. You will go about 20 mph. Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. Standard C - The student identifies and describes selected historical periods and patterns of change within and across cultures, such as the rise of civilizations, the development of transportation systems, the growth and breakdown of colonial systems, and others. Hoover Dam is as tall as a 60-story building. Each spillway, designed to let floodwaters pass without harming the dam itself, can handle the volume of water that flows over Niagara Falls. 2. Is the image or the reading more useful in helping you understand Hoover Dam? Even if you dont go inside the dam with a full tour, you should consider stopping here. The dam contains enough concrete to pave a strip 16 feet wide and 8 inches thick from San Francisco to New York City. This lesson is based on the National Register of Historic Places documentation, "Hoover Dam" (with photos); on National Historic Landmark documentation, "Hoover Dam" (with photos); and on Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) publications. No one is buried in Hoover Dam. Look at the upper right hand corner of the image. Standard D - The student describes a range of examples of the various institutions that make up economic systems such as households, business firms, banks, government agencies, labor unions, and corporations. Anyone who doesn't allow inspection of their vehicle is turned around. Theme V: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions. Boulder Dam and the powerhouses together cost a total of $108,000,000. 8 Trace the course of the Colorado River. Nevadas first-round cut of 21,000 acre-ft (an acre-ft is an acre of water, one foot deep) is smaller, but its share is already diminutive due to an archaic allotment drawn up a century ago when the state was sparsely populated. The Hoover Dam is an impressive sight to see. Look at the drawing in the upper right hand corner. In June, the level of Lake Mead plunged below 1,075ft, a point that will trigger, for the first time, federally mandated cuts in water allocations next year. Contrary to popular myth, no workers were buried alive in the dam's concrete as it was poured. Tickets can also be purchased on-line. Review tags are currently only available for English language reviews. How much money has been allotted to secure the dam? The states of the west, primarily Arizona and Nevada, now face hefty cuts in their water supplies amid a two-decade drought fiercer than anything seen in a millennium. Time did not allow for us to do a tour inside the dam. Do you agree, based on what you know so far? Another change is the modification of tour routes. Most of the water is used in the Lower Colorado Basin. What's the process to get a permit? They joined specifically for this project. 7 Why or why not? In fact there are still quite a few nice canyons along the Colorado River. After the dynamite was detonated, the rock dislodged by the explosion was taken out of the tunnel. It once was the Earth's tallest dam. What were some of the concerns people had about its construction? The compact also committed the U.S. government to providing some of the water to Mexico. Approximately $5.5 million per year is allocated to all security, including law enforcement. The following slideshow shows various areas, from the road over the dam to the surrounding buildings and tunnels within the dam itself, as well as the energy-producing machinery and surrounding work spaces, a small representation of the diverse spaces that the Hoover Dam Police Department and security staff protect. It held back what was then, and still is, the largest man-made lake in the United States. I promise I'll get into more details in this travel guide. Where agency efforts had focused on building dams and irrigation systems to supply water to small farms, Reclamation was now envisioning vast projects that would cover whole river basins and use the water to do more than irrigate agricultural fields. The guide included the instructions excerpted below: No dreams of relocating to live in a tamed desert. The jumbos backed up to the working faces in the tunnels so that men using all the drills could work at the same time and higher on the wall without the need for scaffolds. Under Presidential Directive 12, employee and contractor identities and suitability must be confirmed through background checks. Theme IV: Individual Development and Identity. Hoover Dam is an example of a "public works" project. Internal combustion engines produce carbon monoxide. 1. This makes suicide the tenth leading cause of death, with a rate of 12.4 per 100,000 population. The inspection can result in some traffic/delay in getting there, so account for that in your planning. The new legislation created a federal program to bring water to the desert lands of the West by constructing dams and reservoirs to store water for irrigation, as well as canals to deliver that water to farms. Geologic Formations, National Parks, State Parks, Nature & Wildlife Areas, Canyons, Points of Interest & Landmarks, Historic Walking Areas, Observation Decks & Towers, Points of Interest & Landmarks, Fountains, Points of Interest & Landmarks. How does that change if the level of the reservoir is getting too high? It is just a bridge to a driver. It supplies water and power to Los Angeles and other rapidly growing cities in the Southwest. "Glen Canyon Dam was built in the 1950s, at the tail end of this building spree," Lustgarten explains. They are critical to the functioning of modern communities, but few people notice them unless something goes wrong. Reading 1 is adapted from Joan Middleton, Hoover Dam" (Mohave County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada) National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1981); Joan Middleton and Laura Feller, Hoover Dam" (Mohave County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada) National Historic Landmark documentation (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1985); William D. Rowley, The Bureau of Reclamation: Origins and Growth to 1945, Vol. Why or why not? 3. Then ask the students to gather information on changes in the volume of water flowing down Colorado River during that period. It is just 37% full,. The Boulder Canyon Project Act said that the cost of building Hoover Dam had to be repaid by selling electricity and that contracts for all the electricity had to be signed before construction began. 2) One reading about the construction of Hoover Dam; The men filled the holes they had drilled with dynamite and then the jumbos drove away. Under The Bridge The. Boulder Dam is a splendid symbol of that principle. This lesson is part of the National Park Services Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) program. The Hoover Dam is located in the southwestern part of the United States. CSO: What security changes have been made at the Hoover Dam since 9/11? Unpredictable flash floods could occur in any season. Simply drill four tunnels about miles through the cliffs above the water line. What makes you think so? 4. That is why I have the right once more to congratulate you who have built Boulder Dam and on behalf of the Nation to say to you, "Well done." Everything looks small. The New Deal was famous for using public works projects to put Americans back to work. LESSON NO. The amount of water now available across the US west is well below that of any time in modern civilization, said Park Williams, a hydroclimatologist at Columbia University. It caused enormous damage and permanently flooded thousands of acres. The bridge is located high in the mountains above the dam. Standard E - The student develops critical sensitivities such as empathy and skepticism regarding attitudes, values, and behaviors of people in different historical contexts. The diversion tunnels were among the longest in the world when they were built. The Hoover dam website has a list of additional jobs. 3. Reading 2 is abridged from Reg Manning's Cartoon Guide of the Boulder Dam Country (Locust Valley, NY: J.J. Augustin, 1938), pages 10-17. It also includes images showing the installation of the last turbine in the power plant and the benefits provided by the dam. Such expenditures on all of these works, great and small, flow out to many beneficiaries; they revive other and more remote industries and businesses. Work actually began during the summer and continued around the clock until the dam was completed in 1935, two years ahead of schedule. Hoover Dam, a concrete-arch gravity dam, captures water from the Colorado River and fills Lake Mead. Questions for Reading 2 Temperatures skyrocket during certain times of the year. Finally, ask them to consider which job they themselves would like best. The Story of Hoover Dam Film How many of them can you count? The wellspring of Lake Mead created by the dams blocking of the Colorado River has plummeted to a historic low as states in the west face hefty cuts in their water supplies. Topics: This lesson could be used in American history, social studies, government, and civics courses in units on the Great Depression and the New Deal, American political history, or the history of technology. The builders soon constructed an observation platform on the canyon rim to keep the tourists away from the construction site. The short answer: no, yes, further than you think, a half-day, yes. Standard K - The student proposes, compares, and evaluates alternative uses of land and resources in communities, regions, nations, and the world. If the states did not agree with what you recommended, who do you think should have the right to make a final decision? Here are some guidelines to help you on your way: 4. Why or why not? Wed need three or four above average years, back to back, to restore the lake. What might people "miss" about these canyons if they were filled with water? (Bureau of Reclamation; Andrew Pernick, photographer). What safety equipment can you find in this picture? On the drive out there is a free carpark halfway up the road you can park . 4. Most had to travel many miles, at the end through a hostile desert, to reach this location on the border between Nevada and Arizona. How many high scalers can you find in this photo? Which job would be most important? How long would it take for the concrete in the dam to cool by itself? Parking is limited there, so you may have to orbit the parking lot a bit for a spot. Divide students into small groups and ask them to investigate examples of public works in their own community. This level has plunged by about 130ft in the past 20 years and is currently receding by about a foot a week as farms hit their peak irrigation period. Davis Dam. 5. When youve got em ready, dump a bunch of rock and dirt in the river, just below the upper end of the tunnels to block off the river. Six Companies was responsible for converting Reclamations designs into actual concrete and steel. My husband had a small penknife in his pocket. Standard F - The student describes the role of institutions in furthering both continuity and change. The view from the bridge is not spectacular and the dam cannot be seen while driving over the bridge. dwindled by 20% compared to the previous centurys average, heat dome that settled over the usually mild Pacific north-west. By mid-summer, the rivers flow was barely enough to supply the farms in southern California and Arizona that depended on it. The lesson was written by Marilyn Harper, historian, and edited by Teaching with Historic Places and Reclamation staff. Do you think the safety equipment would have kept the men from falling? The Boulder City/Hoover Dam Museum From Las Vegas, take US Highway 93 South and continue about 20 miles to Boulder City. 1) One map showing the Colorado River Basin; How does that compare with the 16.5 million acre feet that the Colorado River Compact used as the basis for calculating the amount of water available for allocation to the states? Those interested in learning more will find much useful information on the internet. 2. Tickets for tours of the dam and the power plant are available at the Visitor Center. All vehicles are required to undergo a security inspection prior to visiting the dam. Standard C - The student analyzes and explains ideas and governmental mechanisms to meet needs and wants of citizens, regulate territory, manage conflict, and establish order and security. Primarily employees and contractors, who must meet specific security restrictions. Spillways.During your spare time you can erect a spillway on each side of the canyon, on the lake side of the dam. Each block was five feet high. All other commercial trafficspecifically, the large semis and busesare not allowed to cross and are turned around at the checkpoints. And the catastrophic consequences of the extreme weather this brings. It would take 150 years for all that concrete in the dam to cool under normal conditions. Standard I - The student explains the relationship between policy statements and action plans used to address issues of public concern. How did Reclamation and Six Companies divide the work on the dam? (In 1947, Congress unanimously changed the name back to "Hoover Dam.") The new bypass takes you right over it without and option to park and visit. Ill continue to watch the weather, every day., Lake Mead: largest US reservoir falls to historic low amid devastating drought, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Lake Mead behind the Hoover dam from the Arizona side. Which of those would they select as their "Seven Wonders"? The Bureau of Reclamation (the government agency originally tasked with reclaiming this arid place for a new utopia of farmland and a booming western population), expects this historic low to spiral further, dropping to about 1,048ft by the end of 2022, a shallowness unprecedented since Lake Mead started filling up in the 1930s following Hoover dams completion. 5) To describe the impact Hoover Dam had on the Southwest and the nation and to explore some of its long-term implications. BOULDER CITY, Nev. (KLAS) A fire Tuesday at the Hoover Dam has made headlines around the world, but the fire did not actually happen on or inside the dam. . Under their contract with Reclamation, they would have to pay $3,000 for every day they exceeded the deadline for finishing this part of the work. It prevents disastrous floods. Additional money is allocated for security work on the structure and facilities. We recognize also the energy, resourcefulness and zeal of the builders, who, under the greatest physical obstacles, have pushed this work forward to completion two years in advance of the contract requirements. It provides water and hydroelectric power to millions of households in Nevada, Arizona and California, while controlling the . Approximately $5.5 million per year is allocated to all security, including law enforcement. We inspect vehicles, whether full or empty. These are scenarios that arent necessarily where we expect to be in our models, said Bernardo, whose work helps deliver a reliable level of water to thirsty western states. Standard E - The student identifies and describes the basic features of the political system in the United States, and identifies representative leaders from various levels and branches of government. 3. Weve seen extremes we havent seen before, we now have scenarios that are very, very dry.. In fact, in physical safety, owners of systems that contain important information make great efforts to provide information such as backup data, strengthen the rooms in which the systems are located, and so on, to provide information security and protect it against natural disasters as well as dangers like theft. Standard B - The student describes the purpose of the government and how its powers are acquired, used, and justified. Visitors who have Hoover Dam as a destination in their travel plans need to know a few facts, as there are some restrictions around the site. 1. This image shows three views of the dam. The President identified benefits the new dam had already provided. Why or why not? Others may be simply old. What might be the advantages of each type of ownership? Some marinas have been wrenched from their moorings and moved because they have been left marooned in baking sediment. 3. The rivers and streams shown on this map all flow into the Colorado River. Take NV SR 172 for about 2 miles to the dam. Concrete was delivered to each block in buckets, eight cubic yards at a time. Over the next 20 years, Congress spent over $10 million trying to protect Imperial Valley farmers from floods. Why do you think the construction company was willing to spend the money to build the lookout? Before you can safely anchor a dam on em, it will be necessary to scale off this unstable face. Would Hoover Dam be on their list? Actually, once we got thru the checkpoint, we drove to the visitor center, where we parked in a garage ($10, cash only), and then we walked across the actual dam my kids were excited about walking from Nevada to Arizona and back again. then, once we returned to our car, we stopped at the bridge. Not as exciting as the Grand Canyon but worth the visit. Information security has matured a great deal in only 10 years, seeing new focus on areas like identity management, risk management and governance. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. Our Own Seven Wonders, Letters to the Editor, The New York Times, Feb. 6. Initially the agency built some relatively small dams on the rivers tributaries. There are 582 miles of cooling pipe in the am to control the temperature of the concrete and prevalent cracks. In 1905, the Colorado River flooded rich, irrigated farmland in the Imperial Valley in southern California. The Hoover Dam wasn't built just to be a tourist attraction, naturally. Are there some kinds of works that only government can build? Have students compare the data on the demand for water with the data on the available supply and then hold a whole class discussion brainstorming what problems might arise if the trends the students have identified continue. The left side shows what a visitor looking upstream at the dam would actually see. It is awesome! By this time, Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat, had been elected president. Were getting those years that are at the extreme ends of the bell curve. Standard 2AThe student demonstrates understanding of the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. 5. A dam's electrical output is partly a function of the height of its reservoir. #4 - Las Vegas, NV - stay in the heart of it all for the casinos, shows and nightlife, then, take a tour of the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon for memories that last a . Now for the issues. What difficulties might those building it encounter? Inside the Arizona powerhouse are nine massive generators. Then ask students to research the amount of water that the Colorado River Compact allocated to each state in the Lower Basin. Its base is as thick as two football fields are long. The past two years have been shocking to me, I never thought I would see downtown LA reach 111F as its so close to the ocean, but we have some of the driest conditions in 1,200 years so the dice are loaded for more heatwaves and fires. Sand and gravelget quite a bit of this to mix with the cement; enough to make 4,440,000 cubic yards of concrete. They werent sure that even Reclamations engineers had enough knowledge and experience to make the dam strong and safe. To continue to implement the measures necessary to protect and harden, as appropriate, the dam and surrounding structures. If the two don't match, the vehicle is turned away. "They conduct joint training with us," Gregson said. How many men can you count in Photo 1? By 1933, the date of this photo, Six Companies had built a lookout on the top of the canyon for tourists coming to the site. Do students think it would be necessary for the federal government to be involved to plan and complete such a new dam? The dams, particularly the Hoover Dam, were also intended to control the torrential floods that would come downstream in big water years. Hoover Dam, located where the Colorado River forms the boundary between the states of Nevada and Arizona, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and is designated as a National Historic Landmark. You are going to have 3500 men working day and night for five years, so youve got to have some place to put em. 3. At the gate are several agents and they can wave you by or pull you over. Which are in the Upper Basin and which are in the Lower Basin? If cracks were to appear in your dam it might cause severe criticism from people living below the damor from their heirs. It is just a bridge. What other hazards do you think the men working on the jumbos might have faced? Expanding demand and deferred maintenance may have affected their ability to do their jobs or to do them safely. Do you think he made a good case? In a whole class discussion, compare and contrast the ancient and modern wonders. Right off we decided to prepare a list of seven wonders of the United States. They were looking for places to build dams to store the water from the annual spring runoff, releasing it gradually during the summer for irrigation. Housing for workers in the new town of Boulder City wasn't ready when these photos were taken. Death by suicide is never a pleasant topic. Activity 3: Hoover Dam and the Arid West The traditional and hard-hat tours were discontinued, and we now have more "top of dam" free tours with limited tour access into the dam itself. In the dry months of the year it shrank to a trickling stream. Theme VII: Production, Distribution, and Consumption. While there is no average year on the Colorado River, Bernardo and his colleagues were always able to estimate its flow within a certain range. This guide contains many large numbers. Seven states California, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Nevada and Mexico are bound by agreements that parcel out the rivers water but those considered junior partners in this arrangement will be hit first. Once we got on the other side the traffic was stopped trying to get down in there. 5. Measure your classroom and figure out how many cubic yards it could hold. A few hundred miles north, a fast-moving wildfire incinerated the town of Lytton in British Columbia the day after it set a Canadian temperature record of 121F (49.4C). Barely into summer, hundreds of people have already died from the heat along the west coast. ad the formidable white arc of the Hoover dam never held back the Colorado River, the US west would probably have no Los Angeles or Las Vegas as we know them today. 3. 1942, 18; Historical New York Times Database, accessed 9/20/2011. Due to its unique shape, an ascending air current is created that makes the water behave in a very unique way, it defies gravity thanks to that Continue Reading 1.2K 28 38 Quora User They represent and embody the accumulated engineering knowledge and experience of centuries; and when we behold them it is fitting that we pay tribute to the genius of their designers. The Colorado River rises in the lofty Rocky Mountains, before tumbling through 1,450 miles of mountains, canyons and deserts until it reaches the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. We were waved by. (National Council for the Social Studies). Ask each group to report back to the class. Seen from the bottom of the facility, an area off-limits to tourists.
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