Genovese, D., Johnson, T., Lamb, K. and Gram, W., 2014. If you suspect your sphynx has an allergy, speak to your vet about appropriate medication to help keep your cat comfortable and the possible changes you could make to their environment and diet that may help alleviate the allergic reaction. Another species of yeast, candida, naturally exists in the body but is known for causing imbalances that lead to a yeast infection. However, clothes soak up those skin oils, so they must be washed fairly often to keep them from getting grungy. I know cats hate being covered in sticky shampoo, but this is, unfortunately, the most effective way of treating these infections and has the least side effects. It saves me money and seems to work better. This yeast infection can cause dermatitis. This product is safe for cats with sensitive skin, perfect for the sphynx breed. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'petvettips_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',150,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petvettips_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');This can be treated using oral antibiotics, but medicated shampoos are equally effective at treating superficial bacterial infections. He was bred to a sphynx female called Prune. One of the first hairless kittens used to develop the sphynx cat breed was called Epidermis. I advise trying out a different type of food and seeing how your cat responds to it. The high counts of M pachydermatis obtained from the axillae, groins and claw folds of the Sphynx cats exceeded those of healthy Devon Rex cats (DRC), Cornish Rex cats (CRC) and domestic shorthair (DSH) cats; axillary populations were comparable to those of seborrheic DRC. When possible, Pet Vet Tips uses affiliate links (at no additional cost to you) to earn a commission on qualifying purchases. We use a slightly damped washcloth to wash their faces and inside ears. This article aims to arm Sphynx owners with helpful tips to help treat and prevent this pesky skin infection. How different could it be? The answer is VERY. Dr. Verrilli says. Ener-g, Food For Life, and Hummlinger are brands that offer yeast-free options. Its really important to have a vet familiar with these cats so that if and when you run into problems, they can be properly diagnosed, she says. It is commonly treated using medicated shampoo or oral antibiotics and antifungals. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petvettips_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petvettips_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Remember that you will have to gradually transition onto a new diet over several days to prevent digestive upset due to a sudden dietary change. Yeast and bacterial skin infections are not uncommon in both dogs and cats, but they are almost always secondary infections. live in the top layer of the skin, medicated shampoos containing. Many people adopt these cats because they think they are hypoallergenic, which is not the casethe lack of fur does not make them hypoallergenic. Canadian Society of Intestinal Research: "Yeast & Mould Allergy. Antifungal medications can be used to help decrease the numbers of Malassezia organisms on the skin and may be administered orally (as pills), topically (as an ointment or cream), or as a shampoo that your veterinarian prescribes. Glencoe Animal Hospital and Kennel. Please join the above group and decide for yourself but we have seen miracles in the healing of digestive, skin, respiratory, and urinary tract issues from simply switching to raw. The skin may be prone to yeast infections and obviously the cats are susceptible to cold and to sunburn if they go outside. In addition, you will need to feed the new diet exclusively (as in no treats or snacks) for at least four weeks to give your Sphynx time to respond to the adjustments to see whether the new diet improves their skin condition. When youre done bathing a Sphynx, its important to dry them off quickly with a soft, warm towel to prevent their skin from getting chapped. In cats, the most common culprit is the fungusMicrosporum canis. 2-3 times a week and apply external sunscreen if they go outside and for indoor Sphynx cats they should avoid solar exposure i.e., the sun. It is even possible for people to be more allergic to hairless cats than long-haired cats. Honestly, the importance of a good fresh source of water for your Sphynx cat cannot be stressed enough. This article contains affiliate links, and we may earn a commission at no cost to you if you choose to purchase through these links. There are high levels of Malassezia colonization in Sphynx cats which can cause a yeast infection called 'Malassezia dermatitis'. If your house is particularly cold, you can pre-warm beds with things like microwavable heating pads. If you see a black waxy appearance thats a sign of a yeast infection or ear mites in their ears and should be treated with a cream or drops from the vet on a Q-Tip twice daily until you find the black stops appearing. We advise you to acquire from a responsible breeder or shelter and to seek advice from your veterinarian as needed. Required fields are marked *, Click this to send email to Michael Broad, the site's owner and author. They should also pay close attention to their kitty's paws, as grime can accumulate between . Your vet will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic or topical treatment depending on your Sphynxs specific presentation and needs. You can speak to your vet about the options for your Sphynx. Around $27 with free shipping; including cleaning brushes and filters. Taking an antifungal medication for three to seven days will usually clear a yeast infection. This study looked at the presence of Malassesia species yeast in 32 Sphynx cats and in ten domestic shorthair cats (DSH). The most common underlying skin condition that leads to yeast and/or bacterial infection is allergies, either to food or to something in the environment (or, many times, both). It is important to note that there are many causes of red itchy bumps on your cats skin, and if you notice these symptoms, it is best to get your kitty to a vet for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Eating less yeast may also be part of a temporary elimination diet to diagnose food allergies or sensitivities. Gandolfi, B., Outerbridge, C., Beresford, L., Myers, J., Pimentel, M., Alhaddad, H., Grahn, J., Grahn, R. and Lyons, L., 2010.,third%20of%20patients%20(6). His back and belly are okay. Thus, a sphynx is prone to superficial scratches and abrasions, especially if she enjoys playing rough! I bought and used Malaseb a few times now and my Harry is sparkly clean with no flakes or bumps now. There are also cat bedsthat can keep cats warm, like a cat heated bedor a cat covered bed. Devon Rex cats were recently shown to carry significantly . In some cases where surgery is not indicated, topical chemotherapy drugs, cryotherapy, and local radiation therapy may be used. Sphynx cats can get pimples and blackheads similar to what humans may get. Because of their hairless state, sphynx cats need to be bathed every so often. We run entirely on out of pocket & member donations, we truly appreciate any help we can get. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Yellow discharge. My other sphynx, Newt, was also at the vet yesterday and had repeat bloodwoork that confirmed he has stage 1 kidney disease. Malassezia dermatitis is often itchy, and cats that scratch at their lesions (or chew on their toes) may cause open or bleeding wounds. These findings support previous reports of high levels of Malassezia colonization in Sphynx cats (Study: Malassezia pachydermatis and M nana predominate amongst the cutaneous mycobiota of Sphynx cats). Sphynx cats are less haired than other cats, making them prone to ear infections. Some companies that seek to be more allergy-friendly have created yeast-free bread. If they want something, theyll let you know, says Dr. Verrilli. Often these superficial scrapes heal just fine on their own; however, they may cause depigmentation in some sphynxes after healing. Soda bread uses baking soda instead of yeast as a raising agent. It is found in small amounts on berries and grapes. Sphynx cats have a substantial population of Malassezia living on their skin. It only takes a slightly compromised skin barrier to cause a Malassezia overgrowth and subsequent infection to set in. I'm at my wit's end, and I don't know if it's a good quality of life for him anymore at this point. However, some sphynxes have a few thin whiskers. Winograd hates PETA. Ahman SE, Bergstrom KE. The common denominator is the owner who has consistently overfed his/her cats who look like siblings. In this study, Malassezia species were found to be present in high numbers on the skin of Sphynx cats, a breed of hairless cat. Water: Of course, fresh water is important for all animals and humans alike but we have found that actively promoting fresh drinking water for our kittens/cats is the key to good health and even avoiding vet visits. Because Malassezia thrives in a lipid-rich environment, the accumulation of sebum on the skin surface and in the skin folds of the Sphynx creates an ideal environment for Malassezia to grow in an uncontrolled manner, disrupting the normal microbiota living on the skin. Welcome to sphynxlair, good to have you. Infections are limited to dry, desert-like regions of the southwestern United States and similar geographic areas of Mexico and Central and South America. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Healthy skin has several bacteria, yeasts, and fungi living on it without causing any problems. You can try playing with your cat to distract them or feed them while waiting for the 10 minutes to pass. J Feline Med Surg. Kirsten Kranz, founder and executive director of Wisconsin-based Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue, says that caring for a Sphynxs skin starts with diet. . Dr. Annerien de Villiers graduated as a veterinarian from the University of Pretoria in 2018. Sphynx Cats And Ear Infections. None of the 32 Sphynx had Malassezia species isolated from the ears. The naked truth: Sphynx and Devon Rex cat breed mutations in KRT71. This procedure may sound painful, but most cats tolerate it well, and the diagnostic value this procedure offers is well worth the short time of discomfort. The face, feet, and belly are most commonly affected, and the surrounding and underlying skin may appear slightly red. Remember that you will have to gradually transition onto a new diet over several days to prevent digestive upset due to a sudden dietary change. Does it have any health benefits? This is due to the abnormal development of air (genetically abnormal hair follicles). However, ear mites are rarely seen and may appear similar to an ear infection with severely itchy and painful ears with a possible dark discharge. Unlike some other types of yeasts, such as Cryptococcus spp. BTW your English is great! Some make the mistake of thinking that gluten-free also means yeast-free, but this is not necessarily true. If you have an intolerance or sensitivity to it, yeast may cause digestive issues. Some people with a more moderate allergy may be able to drink small amounts of lower-yeast alcoholic products like vodka.