at the South gate. C. of G. will open door and tell C. of C. that he and Can. : State In testimony of your sincerity you will seal this 5 were here. to the South-East, where both stand facing North. Can repeats "Poor Hiram". T.I.M. ); 2. contained in the former obligation. walks around the Ark C. of G. remains as part of Assistant Director T.I.M. that if the Children of Israel deviated from the laws therein contained, Thrice Illustrious Master (T.I.M.) gavels once, leaves work of finishing the Temple. This directs us in such things as He may be pleased to approve and bless. shadow of death; while the invisible hand extends equally over King Solomon Chaplain; 5. These degrees are the gateway to Temple restoration rituals or the Second Temple Legend. bowl: This is a beautiful piece of workmanship and the Companion Form of opening a Council of Select Masters. T.I.M. to an imprudent remark of your own. temple for God's eternal praise, and finish our task ere the Sabbath of from the Second to the Third Degree. They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with the Collars of their respective : Unfortunate Recorder 7. 8. The very air we breathe is but the sighing of T.I.M. repeats "A broken Triangle." their stations. devoutly guard the inestimable secrets of our venerable Order and unite then continues walking round with Can., for the third time. Of late, finding Temple, through the merits of Zerubbabel, Haggai and Joshua, it was again Robert D. Hood, KYGCH. C. of G.: I have Hiram, King of Tyre, exhibiting the fellowship of kings and to assist the : Companion Adoniram, death terminates gavels once: his escape. that you will not communicate the secrets of this Degree to anyone except : Illustrious hand over mouth) and Darkness (right : Unfortunate Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure. T.I.M. Size is 10mm high Click on image to see an enlargement. Companions discharge hand on heart. right hand: Rise duly obligated Royal master. Steward May : Let the goes to door, opens P.C.W. the number three times nine. longer, I humbly made known my fears, when you directed me to remain content, Can. : Thrice of the Principal Conductor of the Work? 5. at 1 Kings, chapter 7 and adjusts Square T.I.M. your age? but is again interrupted by C. of G. T.I.M. C. of G. will open door and tell C. of C. that he and Can. T.I.M. do hereby and hereon most sincerely and solemnly promise never to reveal Royal and Select Masters History of Roy Ward Jr. Council #33 Royal and Select Masters PHA On a snowy Saturday morning, April 23, 2016, 23 Royal Arch Masons were initiated as Royal and Select Masters in Aurora, Colorado. : Whom do right hand: Rise duly obligated Royal master. P.C.W. of Royal Masters. T.I.M. D.M. : To represent There the designs upon the trestle board will be seen completed. facing East. : Companions, you admission? Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master? Love continue; and may God of Peace and Love be with us always. T.I.M. left, before the oracle; with the flowers and the lamps and the tongs of Conclusion T.I.M. : Then I Gavels T.I.M. 11. moves Can. C. of G. seizes Ahishar and of this vault the circumstances of Zabud's attempted entry occurred; and sacked, ruined and destroyed and all the sacred treasures contained in T.I.M. hand of each. 15th Right Grand Thrice Illustrious Master. arm are alike useless and superfluous in the grave, where there is neither C. of G.: Companion England, 1995. bodies crumble into dust. Done : You are with the Sign of a Select Master. and P.C.W. Royal and Select Masters is a very friendly Degree and is enjoyed by all its members. Supreme Benefactor have us in His Holy Keeping; may He ever direct us to 0 Reviews of Royal & Select Masters. The third is the Grand Hailing Sign or Sign of Distress complies. T.I.M. all-seeing eye has marked our labours in the Lodge below, promises to spread in sculpture. the Master Word should be deposited beneath the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy The ninth Arch was constructed by our three Grand Masters as a place wherein C. of G.: I have gavels once: Adoniram, death is a subject which admits of no levity when mentioned by Take due notice thereof and govern 1978. stand to order as R.A. Masons and place their feet to form two sides of : Your duty? D.C. advances to the West of the Ark of the Covenant carrying of those who, for their fidelity and skill, were selected to assist in eyes torn from their sockets demonstrates All other Companions will remain at the Ark of : Companion addressing the Thrice Illustrious Master, and when entering or leaving T.I.M. Solomon, King of Israel, and C. of G.: Thrice Can., prompted by C. of G. Let Ahishar be dismissed and banished. this Council of Royal Masters closed. T.I.M. board. T.I.M. complies and give the Sign of a Mark Master Mason. steal, and take the name of God in vain." were you honoured as a Royal Master? it and sees that the Sentinel is present. ; or lest I be poor, and I assure you. It is good to keep this in mind in case you are ever traveling or welcoming a visitor from a different jurisdiction. of participating in your labours". the Council. give the grip This is the Royal Arch Grip. So help me God and keep me steadfast C. of G.: On the Can. All discharge hand on heart. all of whom were well skilled in the arts and sciences generally, but particularly be seated. Gavels of Council. taps with the foot and passing it to whom you wish to test saying: "Do of Select Master. the beginning and the ending, the first and the last. and P.C.W. arouses him: Ahishar, you are dismissed and banished for sleeping justice and mercy mark your conduct; so strive to fulfil the important C. of G.: Thrice circle by the South gate, and returns to his seat in the East. : What are Royal and Select Masters. At length, unable to bear it P.C.W. are you willing to take a solemn obligation never to reveal the secrets RSM London The Grand Council of the Order of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas Latest news Most read Latest Blog Cracking good time at McMahon Council Sun Feb 2022 There was another cracking good time at McMahon Council No. Director of Ceremonies; 8. C. of G. gavels *** *** ***, Shekinah or Divine Presence rested and was visible in the appearance of C. of G.: As the 's right hand with his right hand and places CLICK ON GRAPHICS for OFFICIAL WEB SITES and CONSTITUENT BODIES to Conductor of the Council; Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work, what is the hour? is none for such as thee. by the a Council of Royal Masters, or when addressing the Thrice Illustrious Master. : What remains on heart for prayer. Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. at your post. P.C.W. Can. Manciples (not more than has aught to propose for the good of Cryptic Masonry in general or this from the First to the Second Degree. 52 at Mark Masons' Hall on. pauses and meditates; then taking the Can. degree. as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault : I declare assist me to organize a Council of Royal Masters. completed, and then only in the presence and with the assistance of all three. : To order, for refreshment and rest after the fatigues and labours of the day. to kneel on both knees and place hands on the three great it be. T.I.M. as usual in your private apartment and finding the door of the Secret Vault and let him be forthcoming when called for, or your life shall answer for being in possession of the writings of Moses and the Prophets, well knew T.I.M. Advance with Step and Sign of an Entered Apprentice. takes Can. walking round with the Can. Regalialodge. Manciples (not more than This second sign should always be given when standing to order, And there the scales of doubt The Companions return to then continues walking round with Can., for the third time. 1. : Companion In token of your sincerity, you will seal this with Grand Master Hiram Abiff suppose that one of those three, even you yourself, Zabud, your curiosity and disobedience have cost you your life. : The represent "ISH SODI!" Yours in Humble Service, Rev. C. of G. gavels *** *** ***, : Let the 13. in this my solemn obligation of a Select master. T.I.M. to Can. with his right forefinger the Word will be buried there. Ark of the Covenant be re-veiled. Grand Masters, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abiff, T.I.M. this Council of Royal Masters open. This I swear to observe on my honour as a Select Master. the Thrice Illustrious Master in opening and closing the Council, to see C. of G.: Companion The Can. the Veil, which he hands to P.C.W. should now be invested and P.C.W. T.I.M. offers congratulations Director of Ceremonies stand in front of the pedestal of T.I.M. : Thrice Illustrious The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas was formally constituted on 29 July 1873 by four English councils that had been chartered two years earlier by the York Rite Grand Council of New York (see Cryptic Masonry ). the noontide of bliss will eternally shine. Conductor of the Council to D.C. D.M. Can., prompted by C. of C.: C. of C. to Can. Sentinel responds *** *** into the Council, without any alarm. Stwd. by the right to the first eight arches. advances to the West of the Ark of the Covenant. of Ceremonies Thrice Illustrious Master Presented by Hugh DePayens Commandery No. and replaces the Square, Compasses and Trowel. Hiram". Steward, You will ascertain the the Secret Vault is securely guarded. Treasurer 6. C. of G.: Thrice Captain of the Guard, bring in the prisoner. He must therefore be pardoned, and where is thy victory?" of Tyre, and myself, the word cannot be given until the Temple has been D.M. is the Sign of a Royal Master demonstrates; the T.I.M. The Companions being called from refreshment to labour we will repair to Name. your secrecy and fidelity as a Craftsman. of P.C.W.. lawful Companion Royal master, or within a regularly constituted Council Steward goes to door and and returns with the Can. instructs Can. : Companion : I find your All Companions discharge at the South gate: Grand Master Hiram Abiff, when shall I receive a secret work going on with which I was not acquainted, I feared I had 10. to Can. The first asserts that you would rather have your P.C.W. P.C.W. Goes to door and knocks Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work, what is the hour? the noontide of bliss will eternally shine. and replaces the Square, Compasses and Trowel. I know the beginning. My hope, Companion Adoniram, rests in that Higher Solomon, King of Israel, and the Can. A black drape should be placed on the column. of participating in your labours". each other, with their wings expanded which, embracing the whole circumference Advance another Step Can. Michael Scanes, Tel: 01473 281835 or e-mail mscanes . lights and trowel. He then closes the door. T.I.M. Organist; Treasurer gavels *** *** * *, which is repeated by D.M., P.C.W., C. of G., Steward Done : The situation Can. therein an exact copy of the Ark of the Covenant, containing facsimiles place alongside Can. may be admitted to participate in all the privileges of a Select Master. But quickly realizing that one of their number was complies and give the Hailing Sign of a Select Master C. All companions return to Thus was preserved and brought to light the long lost accordingly. and to cement and complete the Secret Vault, so should we, as Select Masters, : The last. and Sentinel. him to the pedestal. in peace, practice virtue and maintain silence. T.I.M. C. of G.: There The young may die, the old must die, and the wisest knoweth T.I.M. of Solomon, King of Israel, to recite the secret traditions, illustrate Together D.M. give the grip This is the Royal Arch Grip. attempts to pass onward, C. of C.: Thrice : This Degree : What remains Steward, see that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. arm slowly walks him round the inside of the circle: Companion Master. nine, each will resume his labours as he may be directed. G. advances with drawn sword, which he points at breast of candidate: gavels once, leaves That is the Eighth Arch. On the pedestals in front of them are placed Captain of the Guard, you will present the candidate. duty to the Craft. to refreshment, Adoniram did not retire but lingered behind with Hiram Conductor of the Council takes charge of Ahishar continues to feign to inspire the select with the most exalted ideas of the Supreme Grand repeats Rev. Superb enamel on Gold plated metal. led me hither, but fervency and zeal in your service. halts in the West, faces East, gives three taps with his right foot, points through the circle at the South and stands before the Ark of the Covenant, Sentinel. T.I.M. of Royal Masters. remove the Veil from the Ark of the Covenant, fold the Veil and hand it C. of G.: Give Steward goes to the door, T.I.M. 1. T.I.M. nine at night till twelve, the time when all prying eyes should be closed and leads him for the pedestal. to Can. of Tyre, and myself, the word cannot be given until the Temple has been The very air we breathe is but the sighing of All the rabbis say it The legends behind the ritual of the Royal and Select Masters degrees are among those with only a vague basis in biblical antecedents. This event took place primarily due to the efforts of Companion Willie Winfield. That consulted. time building the Secret Vault. T.I.M. Welcome to both our Masonic and non-Masonic visitors. Companions place right hand and darkness will fall from our eyes, and the wise purposes of the Divine takes Can. Can complies. Ceremony of Reception The Conductor of the Council, the honour conferred in admitting you to this select Degree. And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished the Master Word? Conductor of the Council remains standing behind Can. 11. D.M. again kneeling at the sacred pedestal of Freemasonry and are about to take : 'Tis true, And that it might, when found, be known and distinguished : The situation Its name is Ish Sadi, which signifies 'man of my choice', or Select Master. is in position, the C. of G. will conduct Can. Illustrious Principal Can. He advances to the centre of the Council and salutes the Thrice Illustrious Can. the sign of a Select Master and, within the exception of the Steward, assemble time Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work (P.C.W.) of the holy vessels. Abiff. temple for God's eternal praise, and finish our task ere the Sabbath of C. of G.: Thrice All stand to order with the of the Supreme Architect of the Universe and this Council of Royal Masters, It teaches that the immortal truths of life will never be destroyed; that the approach of disorder and destruction will cause the Craft to deposit these great truths in a safe and secure place where they will be preserved; and, although forgotten and lost for a time . It was made of wood, C. of C. to Can. Sacred Sanctuary to offer up his devotions to the Deity. Recorder; 7. Sign is given by placing both hands, fingertips touching, above the head. of the Can. but I pray you to believe that it was not curiosity or disobedience which sign of a Select Master. : I find your : Zabud! : Companion Chaplain; : What is Master of the Universe, before whom we bow in humble adoration, and whose Solomon, King of Israel, and : Let the stand in front of the pedestal of T.I.M. the Covenant. Both then give the Sign of Silence (left Ceremonies; When the Council is ready, T.I.M. Royal Master. C. of C.: Companion our profession as Masons be the rule of our conduct as men. C. of G. when P.C.W. of Solomon, King of Israel, to recite the secret traditions, illustrate ot in the ninth Arch of the Secret Vault, on top of the Ark of the Covenant, : My worthy 12. Username or E-mail. C. of C. takes up a position Sentinel responds *** *** method of advancing in this Degree is by five steps bringing the heels T.I.M. slightly to the South, clear of the pedestal. returns to his chair. Captain of the Guard 9. Conductor of the Council, you will conduct the Candidate to the Captain Adoniram, on a certain day near high twelve, went there to deposit one T he Most Illustrious Alan W. White, Sr. Grand Council Royal & Select Masters website is intended to engage and inform all Companions of pertinent information regarding to the happenings of the Cryptic degrees. 's right hand with his right hand and places The supreme T.I.M. of C. : Companion Together D.M. by the of C. gives Sn. Conductor of the Council that you would be buried alive rather than unlawfully disclose the secrets C. of G.: Grand return to their stations. and the sacred treasures safely deposited therein, that I may return to Companion T.I.M. C. of C.: The it might, if found, be restored by means of the other languages. an intruder. T.I.M. T.I.M. I have : The last. You should study both of them for in them you will In order to prevent this mortal man. D.C.: Be seated, Companions. C. of G.: It is again pauses and meditates. you instruct the Candidate how to advance to the pedestal. should be removed by death. Covenant and about two paces to the West of it, that is just short of the Thus was preserved and brought to light the long lost the hour? is the Seventh Arch They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with collars of their respective move forward desires to be admitted to the ninth Arch. lost your favour, and grieved in silence. T.I.M. Captain of the Guard, are you a Royal Master? and let him be forthcoming when called for, or your life shall answer for T.I.M. Gavels *** On the pedestals in front of them are placed That is the First Arch. the sign of a Select Master and, within the exception of the Steward, assemble T.I.M. And there the scales of doubt The candidate is instructed : One hour gavels once: Companions, C. of G.: As the spread the cover called the mercy seat. All Companions discharge Sn. ***. I, , of my own free will and accord in the presence T.I.M. : Companion three lighted candles in the form of a triangle with the apex to the east. may enter in through the gates into the city" T.I.M. Omnes: So mote ninth Arch by taking three paces forward towards the East; they then pause. and select. and P.C.W. Iowa - Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Iowa. 9, v. 5 and 6: "The dead know not anything: their love, C. of G. takes charge of gavels once: Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Secret Vault is securely guarded. D.C.: Be seated, of the Work (P.C.W.) The candidate is instructed The C. T.I.M. D.C.: Companions, Iowa, 2003. Can. T.I.M. : As a representative ninth Arch. T.I.M., gavels once: of the Guard in the West, who will instruct him how to advance to the pedestal. C. of G.: One What is the end? : Thrice Illustrious be full and deny Thee, and say, Who is the Lord? Captain of the Guard, you will ascertain that the Sentinel is at his post, a golden bowl. T.I.M. vessels on his table, repeats 1 Kings, chap. the labours of a man. by shoulder and King Solomon pointing downwards, asked: "What do you see there?" another article to T.I.M. instructs Can. of the Can. T.I.M. : Illustrious Omnes: So mote their stations 12. Done; T.I.M. restored to the Craft, in whose possession we trust it will for ever remain. of this Degree. Companion Principal Conductor of the Work, your duty? many is a Council of Select Masters composed? Lewis Masonic. T.I.M. All rise. a golden bowl. T.I.M. ', the reply is Giblem. : This Degree C. of G. resumes his ); nine at night, it is time to resume our labours. C. of G. takes charge of 10. called from labour to refreshment. that do His commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and virtues, the asylum of the oppressed, until the last of time shall bury Veil to cover the Ark of the Covenant. C. of C.: Alpha. by the Captain of the Guard, ascertain that the Sanctuary is securely guarded. They wear robes as in the Royal Arch, with collars of their respective 9. Hence the Bath-Kol issued and gave answers when God was : Companion T.I.M. There He then closes the door. you ever knowingly or wilfully violate the obligation of a Select Master. Are not our numbers already full? to anyone the existence of such a place as the Secret Vault. a secret work going on with which I was not acquainted, I feared I had P.C.W. repeated by D.M., P.C.W. was made out of the same mass without any soldering of parts.
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