A snowy white building, near the intersection of Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley, Gringotts towers over all neighbouring shops. [53] This is the hospital where Arthur Weasley is sent after he was attacked by Voldemort's snake, Nagini, in the Ministry of Magic and Minerva McGonagall is hospitalised from severe stunning when Hagrid is forced out of Hogwarts. In the 2009 movie "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," London's Millennium Bridge is used to represent the Brockdale Bridge that collapses following a dramatic attack by the Death Eaters. According to the sign describing the Firebolt, this broom "incorporates an unbreakable braking charm." Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment employee, Dragon Challenge There are many "Harry Potter" filming locations to explorein London and this gallery should help you identify some of them. The Shrieking Shack stands on the outskirts of Hogsmeade, just a little way above the rest of the village, with boarded-up windows and an overgrown garden. It first appears in the opening of Goblet of Fire as the location of Frank Bryce's murder; and at this point in the chronology of the Harry Potter series, it is decrepit and covered in vines. TM & WBEI. Visitors can walk the actual set of the alley where the actors filmed some of the movies most iconic scenes. Harry Potter and the Escape From Gringotts Castelobruxo ( /kstlobruu/ kass-tel-oh-broo-shoo) is the South American school of magic, based in Brazil. It was outside the doorway of this flower shop that the Knight Bus pulled up for Harry to enter the Leaky Cauldron. Consequently, we know a fair amount about the buildings interior and layout: The Leaky Cauldron is described as dark and shabby inside (PS5), though its also known for being a welcoming place (FW). During Deathly Hallows, Aberforth reveals a secret passage that leads into Hogwarts' Room of Requirement, where Dumbledore's Army has set up headquarters. Only magical people can see it, and only if told the location by the Secret Keeper himself. [PSCh.5] The inside includes barrels of slimy stuff on the floor, jars of herbs, dried roots and bright powders on the shelves, and bundles of feathers, strings of fangs and snarled claws hanging from the ceiling. Sells all sorts of equipment used in the wizard world and is where Harry buys his first telescope. sure to also read posts on other Harry Potter London locations, including, There are multiple ways to easily get to the market. Westminster is the station closest to the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and a short walk across Westminster Bridge (also seen when Harry and the members of the Order of the Phoenix fly along the River Thames on their broomsticks) to the London Eye. The village occupies the floor of a valley, bounded by steep hills, not far from the larger settlement of Great Hangleton. The hanging sign in front of the pub has a severed boar's head, leaking blood onto the white cloth around it. After Harry blows up his aunt in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, he stays in the Leaky Cauldron. The Leaky Cauldron may refer to: The Leaky Cauldron (pub), a fictional pub in Harry Potter. OI Universal Center Insiders Guide to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The Minister for Magic of the day, the tediously long-winded Faris Spavin, gave a melancholy speech in the Wizengamot explaining why the Leaky Cauldron could not, this time, be saved. Join our free email newsletter for access to the latest news, tips, and exclusive content only available to subscribers. The Irish are favourites for the 1994 World Cup tournament with these brooms, and they later win (GF8). So, Ron has only been in the Forbidden Forest once at this point in the books. Harry used this entrance to sneak into Hogsmeade in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Twilfitt and Tatting's is a wizarding clothing shop located in Diagon Alley, mentioned in Half-Blood Prince by Narcissa Malfoy, who claims she would shop there rather than shopping in Madam Malkin's due to the presence of Harry, Ron, and Hermione (mostly Hermione, whom the Malfoys look down upon due to her blood status). What is The Leaky Cauldron? The remaining members of Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix gather at the Hog's Head before entering the castle through this passage to fight Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Isolt herself was a Parselmouth and chose the Horned Serpent, and her No-Maj (Muggle or non-magical) husband James Steward picked the Pukwudgie, since Isolt's stories about one made him laugh. Within, wizards and witches keep their money and other valuables in vaults that are protected by very complex and very strong security measures. To enter Diagon Alley, one must go through the Leaky Cauldron to a rear courtyard and tap a brick in the wall, found by counting three up and two across, three times. Newt Scamander visited the building in the film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, when he was brought in by Porpentina "Tina" Goldstein for threatening the Statute of Secrecy by using magic in front of Jacob Kowalski, a No-Maj. Inside, everything is very neat and looks exactly as a hospital should. )[28], In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Ron mentions that his brother Bill had a penfriend at this school.[29]. Otherwise, they wander on to observe the infamous Shrieking Shack. Thank you for Watching! These owls deliver mail to people in the wizarding world. Why visit on your own when you can take one of our expertHarry Potter tour guides with you. The names were chosen by Isolt Sayre and her family after their favourite magical creatures. Dragons guard the maximum-security vaults found in the lowest reaches of the bank, and a subterranean waterfall called the "Thief's Downfall" acts to overturn carts that pass through it and negate spells used by would-be robbers. While in the area, do visit the London Roman Bathsto seea bizarre National Trust property in central London. The shop is quite fascinating despite its very bad smell (a mixture of bad eggs and rotten cabbage). [40], Mahoutokoro is the smallest wizarding school, and is situated in Japan. This is why I wanted it to be the place where those in the know go to enter a different world. The shop was established four years before Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released. Ron buys Rat Tonic for his pet rat, Scabbers, while Hermione buys a cat, Crookshanks. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title The Leaky Cauldron. Students of Hogwarts who are in their third year and above are permitted to visit Hogsmeade during scheduled visits, to shop and mingle with friends un-chaperoned, as long as they have a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian. (the Leaky Cauldron) - the Harry Potter themed cafe in Krakow. [PSCh.5] Gringotts also offers Muggle-Wizarding currency exchange. The main floor is a single room, but there are additional rooms on the upper floors. Harry Potter: Behind the Magic (TV). The top 9 coolest pubs and shops in the wizarding world. She had the fish and chips which were delivered hot, was a nice portion size and tasted delicious. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes had to be temporarily shut down in Deathly Hallows, because the Death Eaters were keeping an eye on all the Weasleys, but Fred and George continued to run an Owl-Order service. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Australia House was opened by King George V in 1918 and is the home of the Australian High Commission so you can only go inside if you are visiting on official business such as dealing with visas, migration, and citizenship. Fred and George started using the name "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes" in Goblet of Fire for a mail order business selling merchandise, including sweets to help students fake illness in order to skip classes. [5] It was at this place that their baby son, Harry, was left with his lightning bolt-shaped scar. The village has since appeared again in Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows Part 2. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. Durmstrang is portrayed as an all-boys school in the film, but according to the book, it is co-ed. Gutfeld: JK Rowling forced me to do a monologue on Harry Potter 'Gutfeld!' panelists weigh in on the 'fake boycott' by trans activists of a 'Harry Potter'-themed video game online accusing author . Shell Cottage is the home of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour after they get married in Deathly Hallows. #krakow #w #krak #poland #polska #cracow #travel #love #krakowplaces #krakowpoland #harrypotter #harrypotterfan #hp #wizardingworld #harrypotteredit #potter #magic #harry #harrypotterworld #fantasticbeasts #love # . It sells robes and other clothing, including the standard Hogwarts-required plain black work robes, and dress robes. During his time as a student, Tom Marvolo Riddle murdered his father and grandparents in the house. To enter the premises, one has to step through the window of what appears to be a derelict department store called Purge & Dowse Ltd.[53] The exteriors of the hospital are red-bricked and dirty, which is the complete opposite of the interiors. Albus Dumbledore's mother Kendra moved her family to Godric's Hollow after her husband, Percival, was arrested for attacking three Muggle boys. Although Durmstrang teaches the Dark Arts as part of its curriculum, apparently the experiments performed by Grindelwald were considered too extreme even by the school's standards as he was expelled because of them. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and various members of the Order gradually restore it to a livable condition over the course of this book. Lord Voldemort worked at Borgin and Burkes briefly after he left Hogwarts during the mid-1940s. Although the village first appears in Goblet of Fire, the fourth volume in the series, it is not described until Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth volume. It is described as being warm, smoky, crowded, and noisy. The only display in the window overlooking Diagon Alley is a single wand lying on a faded purple cushion in the dusty window. crowds popular We were unsure about the Scotch eggs, but after trying them they were great, I plan on making them at home. The menu is limited to particular entrees and the food is served in cafetria style with a twist. Nearbyyou can find a not very well-known Viewing Terrace Near Tower Bridge to see Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast. They set up stalls selling amulets and other objects, which supposedly protect you against werewolves, Dementors and Inferi. 51.505440, -0.091061. Beauxbtons is described as a boarding school located in the Pyrenees mountains of southern France full of ice sculptures and forest nymphs. Harry is embarrassed to find out that he has been famous all his life, all the more because it is for something he has no recollection of doing. Magical Menagerie Writing by J K Rowling on WizardingWorld (Pottermore): Tags: But in Prisoner of Azkaban, the story takes a darker turn and grows more serious which led to his choice to film the Knight Bus and Leaky Cauldron scenes in the sinister, atmospheric railway arches of Borough Market. Quality Quidditch Supplies sells broomsticks and Quidditch-related items. It was the entrance to Diagon Alley and, indirectly, Knockturn Alley. Azkaban also had various wizard guards, who kept the Dementors mostly in check and managed the rare prison visits. Here Hagrid finds him (and narrowly rescues him from a witch with mossy teeth who is holding a tray with fingernails in it), while looking for Flesh-eating Slug repellent, for the school's cabbage patch. MrFortescue himself helped him with his school essays and supplied him with free sundaes every half-hour. Leadenhall Market is in Central London, on the edge of the financial district. Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment He is proven right, as the Dementors leave their posts at Azkaban and join ranks with Voldemort. Sirius Black says that when he escaped from Azkaban while in his animagus form as a dog, he swam to Britain and then travelled northwards to get to Hogwarts. The inn, which is invisible to Muggles, lies in between a bookshop and a music shop. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey Malfoy Manor was partly shot at Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire a National Trust property.[14]. maybe two..SOOO DELIISSSSH! . The Three Broomsticks is a favoured destination among Hogwarts students and staff, although in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hagrid mentions visiting the Hog's Head. Southwark Street 8, London SE1 1TL, England, United Kingdom. It was very tasty and the vegetables served with it were cooked perfectly. Within, there are countless narrow boxes piled neatly right up to the ceiling and a spindly-legged chair" (which Hagrid breaks when he sits upon it). TIP: Leadenhall is located in the business district which means it is nearly empty on the weekends! All of this would make one think that Leaky Cauldron is essentially an extension of its predecessor, The Three Broomsticks, which can be found over in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hogsmeade. said Hermione, glowing. Many of the shops in Knockturn Alley are devoted to the Dark Arts; the best known of which is Borgin & Burkes, which sells sinister and dangerous objects. He also explained what the novelty drinks were while I waited, but I settled on sweet tea, which was perfect if you are from the South and love really, really sweet tea. This is the last time we will see Harry as a carefree little boy. [37], Ilvermorny is divided into four houses: Thunderbird, Horned Serpent, Pukwudgie, and Wampus, each said to represent a different part of the ideal wizard. No blockout dates. [2][3] It is noted for being home to a magical community like several other villages such as Ottery StCatchpole and Tinworth. Contents 1 Magical abilities and skills 2 Behind the scenes 3 Appearances 4 Notes and references In 1997, The Burrow became the headquarters of the Order of Phoenix after the death of the Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Regardless of how you choose to get here,we recommend using this Google Maps link to help you get to the right spot. Potage's Cauldron Shop sells different varieties and sizes of cauldrons, including copper, brass, pewter, silver, self-stirring, collapsible, and solid gold, according to a sign outside the shop. Quality Quidditch Supplies 7 Stoney Street, under the railway bridge. Dumbledore sent Hagrid to retrieve it while he escorted Harry. Harry's life takes an abrupt change here. A mill with a tall chimney is close by. Community content is available under. Created some two centuries before the imposition of the International Statute of Secrecy, the Leaky Cauldron was initially visible to Muggle eyes. Number 12 houses the Black family tree on a wall tapestry, and an enchanted portrait of Walburga Black, Sirius' mother. If you are new to London public transport, then be sure to read our tips on navigating the London Underground. I want them all PLUS general travel tips. If anyone other than a certified Gringotts goblin touches the door, that person will be sucked into the vault, which is only checked for trapped thieves about once every 10 years. But as number 12 can't be seen by Muggles we can accept this is the most likely location at Claremont Square (a short walk from King's Cross station). This is the bridge where the Knight Bus had to squeeze between two London buses in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." It sits in a location with other Harry Potter sets and props. Flight of the Hippogriff [11][12] For all the subsequent film's scenes set in Privet Drive, filming took place on a constructed set in Leavesden Film Studios (replicating 12 Picket Post Close), which proved to be cheaper than filming on location. The eggs were definitely not "farm fresh"; I would venture that they were powered. The filming location for the Leaky Cauldron moved from Leadenhall Market to Borough Market in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." It was outside the doorway of this flower shop that the Knight Bus pulled up for Harry to enter the Leaky Cauldron. ", "What to do when you know the worst is coming". It is accessible to the wizarding world, to which it is something of an economic hub, but hidden from Muggles (non-magical people). Also singled out is Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbtons champion in the Triwizard Tournament, a beautiful girl with silvery hair who is a quarter-veela. Located not in Diagon Alley proper but on the outside, on Charing Cross Road in the heart of London (DH26), the pub is tiny and grubby-looking, sandwiched between a book shop and a record shop where passing Muggles dont seem to be able to see it (PS5). The Leaky Cauldron is a significant location in most of the Harry Potter books, and it is by walking through this - and out the back door - Harry for the first time enters the magical world: the shopping street of Diagon Alley. The Weasleys' home, known as the Burrow, is located outside the village of Ottery St Catchpole which is situated alongside the River Otter in Devon, England, also near the home of the Lovegoods, the Diggorys and the Fawcetts. 12 Grimmauld Place in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". The exact location of the school is unknown as of yet, but is said to appear to Muggles (non-magic folk) as nothing more than ruins. Godric's Hollow is a fictional village, where Lily and James Potter lived with their young son Harry, located in the West Country of England. [Arthur Weasley], "The safest place on earth was wherever Albus Dumbledore happened to be. Despite his character being obliterated, Rupert Grint did a good job with what he had to work with for Ron Weasley. Harry is rather bewildered by the questions Malfoy asks, because Harry is still unfamiliar with many aspects of the wizarding world. HARRY POTTER, characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. 2001 2023. Ron, who is so happy to receive something brand-new for once (a wand) as, since money is tight in the Weasley household, everything he gets as the sixth son is usually hand-me-down or secondhand. The Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning is a magic school that makes its first appearance in Goblet of Fire. [50] "An ordinary, common or garden rat like this cant be expected to live longer than three years or so," said the witch. Using the actual calendar for 1993 as a guide, we can date the events of this chapter as happening between August 7, when Harry arrives in Diagon Alley, and August 31st, when Harry meets Ron and Hermione there and Hermione buys Crookshanks. Students of Beauxbtons are described mainly as beautiful long-haired girls and attractive boys. Hogsmeade Station is the closest train stop to Hogwarts; the Hogwarts Express stops here after travelling from King's Cross. Gringotts Wizarding Bank is the only known bank of the wizarding world and it is operated primarily by goblins. There is also a small hangar located there that Arthur Weasley uses as a workshop to tinker with muggle items that he brings home (much to Mrs. Weasley's chagrin). Zonko's Joke Shop, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour Mr. Weasley had problems with his ticket when he tried to exit the ticket barriers. After an early departure from Hogwarts in Order of the Phoenix, the two Weasleys set up their shop in Diagon Alley, which quickly became a huge success. [13] This standing set, which remained in use throughout the decade-long filming history of the Harry Potter films, remains visible in Google Maps aerial views of the studio. 54.37 + 28.83 Postage. You won't find the telephone box here as it was only a prop for filming. Inside the shop, Madam Malkin and her assistants will tailor the robes to fit. The small, circular tables are set for two. He has lived there since the age of fifteen months, having previously lived with his parents in Godric's Hollow; however, since he began attending Hogwarts, he spends little time there, though he reluctantly returns during the summer holidays. [1] The Burrow was used as the Order of the Phoenix's headquarters, due to the compromised Fidelius Charm placed on 12 Grimmauld Place, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows until it lost its given protection. Griphook claims that the protection had been lessened due to the Vault being emptied. You might also like tovisit theWarner Bros. The DVD of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets includes a video "guided tour" of Diagon Alley, apparently shot on the original film sets. Percy's pompous manner greeting Harry - and Fred & George going over the top imitating it. Harry notes that the pub smells strongly of goats. Students are informed of their acceptance to the school by Dream Messengers. Harry lands in Knockturn Alley in Chamber of Secrets, when accidentally saying (in the film version) "Diagonally" instead of Diagon Alley (the book does not indicate what he pronounced) while using Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley. freedom Or maybe youll want to visit during the week when the cafes, pubs, and restaurants are open for exploring. Harry Potter The Leaky Cauldron Bradford Exchange Illuminated Village. Wednesday 1 September - Hogwarts Express leaves King's Cross Station at 11 am. It is quick-service; open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and serves traditional British fare. It's east to imagine that this door is the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron! For filming, platforms 4 and 5 were renumbered 9 and 10 and this is where you'll find the hidden access to platform 9 3/4. He's the best actor out of the trio for me. Upon Voldemort's takeover of the Ministry, many political prisoners are sent to Azkaban by Ministry traitor Dolores Umbridge, including Xenophilius Lovegood and Muggle-borns persecuted under Voldemort's implementation of anti-Muggle legislation. Tags: It serves as a gateway between the Muggle and wizarding worlds. [citation needed], Flourish & Blotts sells a great variety of magic books, including textbooks for Hogwarts courses and other books of general magical interest. The Kneazle has an uncanny ability to detect unsavory or suspicious characters and can be relied upon to guide its owner safely home if they are lost." Ian Brown . The potatoes were undercooked. You can find it on the left-hand side of Diagon Alley (the street, not the theme-park land) immediately upon entering the hidden, wizarding area, across the way from Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the Burrow was described as a pig-sty that had extra rooms added to it. From the horrible oppression of the Dursleys and Aunt Marge to almost complete freedom in one go. (Another note written before the end of the series! And, secondly, it may stop serving shortly before closing time, just to ensure that all patrons can be cycled out in time for the theme park to shut down. Before the Battle of Hogwarts begins, the passage is used to evacuate underage students from the school. Hermione buys Crookshanks after the cat goes after Ron's pet Scabbers. The rooms have brass numbers on the doors and contain comfortable beds, polished oak furniture, and at least in Harrys case, a fireplace and a mirror that talks in a wheezy voice. From the windows, both Charing Cross Road (on the Muggle side) and Diagon Alley (on the wizarding side) can be heard. Lincoln's Inn Fields was used as the street outside no. Too bad the same charm was not on Harry's Nimbus 2000 (PA9). There are other portraits of members of the Black family, including Phineas Nigellus Black, one-time Head of the Black family and least-popular Headmaster of Hogwarts. Long story short: the food is absolutely disgusting. People often stay at The Leaky Cauldron when they come to London on shopping trips. The Leaky Cauldron opens and closes with Universal Studios Florida itself. [HP5] Performing any of the Unforgivable Curses on a human is punishable by a mandatory whole life sentence in Azkaban, but that ban has been lifted for Aurors during wartime. [53] Founded by famous wizard Healer Mungo Bonham, St Mungo's is located in London. The name of the street refers to the privet hedges that enclose many suburban gardens, as Rowling liked the idea of enclosure. Many security measures are in place at Grimmauld Place: there are anti-apparation charms, the place is Unplottable, the whole house is under a Fidelius charm and it is disguised from Muggles and other interlopers. Though insistent on many powerful spells of concealment, and good behaviour from all who used it, the Minister for Magic, Ulick Gamp, was sympathetic to the need of wizards to let off steam under the difficult new conditions. Hogsmeade primarily consists of a single thoroughfare, called High Street, on which most shops and other magical venues reside; however, unnamed alleyways branching off from the main road are also home to such historic places as the Hog's Head Inn and Madame Puddifoot's Teashop. New York, NY: Arthur A. Levine Books, 2007. Filming for Privet Drive in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone took place in a real urban area, 12 Picket Post Close, Bracknell in Berkshire, located 25 miles (40 km) west of London. Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter. Madam Malkin's is a clothing shop next to Flourish & Blotts. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit the shop in Prisoner of Azkaban, a witch wearing heavy black spectacles helps them. Customers pass through a set of bronze doors and then silver ones before entering the lobby. The beans were unlike any baked beans I'd ever seen and were certainly nothing like Heinz. Harry Potter Tours. When you visit King's Cross Railway Station you'll see that platforms 9 and 10 have a train line between them and not a wall. Number 12, Grimmauld Place (a pun on "grim old place"), London is the address and name of reference to the home of the Black family, an ancient and pure-blooded line of wizards. From the beginning, the plan was to have the building match reasonably close the actual location used in the Harry . If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the . [HP6], Azkaban has a reputation of evil and fear throughout the series. Friday 6 August - Harry blows up his Aunt and runs away, Saturday 7 August - just after midnight, Harry arrives at the Leaky Cauldron, Week of August 15 - The new Firebolt goes on display in Quality Quidditch Supplies, Wednesday25 August - The Weasleys return from their trip to Egypt. Borgin and Burkes is an antique shop, which specializes in the Dark Arts, located in Knockturn Alley. It even has a hanging sign over it. Never before had he been able to get up whenever he wanted or eat whatever he fancied. Our GPS-enabled, Regardless of how you choose to get here,we recommend using this, If you are new to London public transport, then be sure to read our, Why visit on your own when you can take one of our expertHarry Potter tour guides with you. The food, on the other hand, is abysmal. While you cant open it, it does make for a nice photo-op.). There she mentions a 'suspicious character' who orders raw liver. I ordered the fish & chips. Its address is 'Mountains of the Moon'. This website uses cookies to improve your browsingexperience and analyze the use of the website. BOOK ONLINE Reserve a Spot on a Guided Walking Tour Now! -- HarryPotter. Free shipping for many products! In the book Deathly Hallows, Snape is killed in the Shrieking Shack by Voldemort's snake, Nagini. Despite the house's rundown appearance, Harry remarks on his first visit that it was the best house he had ever been in and it becomes his second favourite place in the world (after Hogwarts). This cook seems to be a skilled and perhaps somewhat morbid witch or wizard, as the pea soup at the Leaky Cauldron, presumably made by him or her, is noted to be able to eat the person who orders it . Washington DC. This is where Harry meets the first wizard of his own age, Malfoy, for the first time, in Philosopher's Stone. Add your own. Paris The Harry Potter Lexicon is an unofficial Harry Potter fansite. Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, under the management of the owner Florean Fortescue (founder and shopkeeper), sold ice cream and other treats, which could be enjoyed at outdoor tables. It was there that Bathilda Bagshot introduced Albus Dumbledore to her great-nephew Gellert Grindelwald. The current barman and innkeeper is a wizard named Tom. You will be thrown into the air eventually. According to Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them, Crookshanks is part Kneazle. Following Voldemort's ultimate demise, Kingsley Shacklebolt ends the use of Dementors at Azkaban, their presence having always been a mark of the underlying corruption of the Ministry.[52]. Prague a few old women sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry, one of whom was smoking a long pipe (, funny little witches up from the country for a days shopping (, a couple of warlocks having a muttered conversation (. Harry Potter and Mr. Weasley used Westminster Station in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" on their way to Harry's hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Leaky Cauldron For over eleven years, Orlando Informer has been the leading resource helping guests plan the perfect visit to Universal Orlando, Walt Disney World, SeaWorld, and other Orlando attractions. However, when they enter Bellatrix's vault, which is stocked with all manner of treasures, they discover that the treasure has had Gemino and Flagrante curses placed on it, which, respectively, cause any item to multiply rapidly and go red-hot whenever it is touched.
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